Can't Say No To This

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About a week later and no interaction between Shotty and Alexander, they finally met up in secret, still being besties but not wanting Shoot to know.

"How've you been, Alexander?" Shotty asked.
"I've been impatient, Shotty. I have been dying to be around you every day more and more as the hours go by, yearning for you."
"Cool story bro." Shotty spoke in a delicate voice, passion-struck with his fancy English wording.
"Shotty, will you be my-"

Just before he could finish, a man was approaching, fully able to see them. Alexander grabbed Shotty's hand and pulled them in close, hiding in the tight alleyway, chests touching and foreheads only a few inches apart. The man passed, not noticing the two.
"Alexander.." Shotty was smitten.
"This is wrong. You're my sister's ex, and you can't be with your sister's ex because that's fucked up."
"Not if you truly love that ex. I'm am the only A-L-E-X you'll ever be able to be with, regardless of whatever the hell Shoot wants to think."
"But, even if we are together, you'll never be satisfied.."
"I will if I'm with you."

Shotty fainted.

Alexander Hamilton X His ShotWhere stories live. Discover now