Chapter 5

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OMG!! Is this really???? YES MY PEOPLE IT IS!!! A new chapter!!!!! You guys were awesome with voting and commenting -sniffs- you just found a way to my heart. So, yeah!!!!!! Keep doing that and you'll see more updates (but the hw is really pilling up).


"Very well now, Gryffindor and the other houses I expect you to treat our guests well and demigods I don't want any ruckus. You all may show your powers tomorrow after our other guests arrive. Eat well and I wish you first years a great year!" Professor McGonagall said as she turned around, her greenish cloak flowing behind her. Percy turned to Harry.

"Other guests?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. Harry shrugged.

"We learned about your coming here from Luna before the Professor even told us," he said nodding his head in a blushing Luna's direction -who was shaking her head.

"It was nothing at all! Just some information I got from my father's Quibbler resources," she said before turning around to talk with some fellow Ravenclaws. Ron laughed.

"Well we knew that some visitors were coming, but demigods? Bloody hell, Harry's even got a twin!" he exclaimed as he pointed at Percy.

"Ron! You know it's rude to point!' Hermione gasped, slapping Ron's hand away as she studied Percy's face.

"Actually he's got a point," Annabeth said looking back and forth from Harry to Percy. Leo whistled.

"Man Perce, did your mom get the lord of the seas and a wizard to fall for her?" Leo asked chuckling as Percy glared at him.

"One more word about my mother Valdez, and you'd better hope there's no water around here," he snarled as Leo cringed in fear.

"Actually there's a pond nearby," Ginny said, laughing into Harry's cloak as Leo wailed.

"Wait, you're the son of Poseidon?" Harry asked and Percy grinned, nodding.

"-and you're the boy who lived?" Thalia asked as the demigods gave her puzzled looks while the wizards gaped at her.

"How'd you know that?" Neville asked and Thalia shrugged.

"I heard one of my hunters talking about it, saying that at a school her parents wanted her to go to got a student with a lightning scar on his forehead. She kept calling him the boy who lived," she said as Hermione gave her a quizzical look.

"What do you mean by one of your hunters?"

"Thalia is the lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis. They're a group of young immortal girls who travel the country killing monsters and are all loyal to Artemis," she explained as Thalia grinned, showing her tiara, the symbol of the lieutenant.

"-but how is a wizard able to join?" Hermione said, still looking confused as ever. Ginny's eyes widened.

" the great Hermione actually confused about something?!?" she said laughing as Hermione blushed a deep red.

"Well the Hunters don't care about your origins really. We except mortals in the Hunt, so I'm pretty sure wizards would be able to join as well. Our last lieutenant was a daughter of a titan.." Thalia murmured as she looked up at the ceiling, clearly showing Zoe's gleaming constellation. Most of the Greeks' faces fell as the others stared at them in confusion.

"What wrong with the sky mates?" Ron asked as the demigods picked at their plates.

"It's about her isn't it?" Hazel asked with a low undertone as Percy nodded, his gaze focused on the ground.

Percy Jackson and Harry Potter (crossover)Where stories live. Discover now