Chapter 2

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Michelle's POV

*sigh* First day of school, well for me it felt the same nothing out of the ordinary it's just that I upgraded from the primary school side of St Therese College to the high school side. Yes, St Therese College also known as STC starts from grade 0 all the way to grade 12. I first came here I'm grade 6. The people were really welcoming and friendly , now I'm here in grade 8.

New year, new me, new beginning. That's what I live by. I'm ready to tackle any adventure that life throws at me, bring it on! As I'm walking down the corridor my mind is very occupied that I don't notice the person who's walking straight at me. Boom! Our bodies collide. Ouch! That was sore.

"Sorry ", says a girl with red hair. She looks really pretty and friendly but lost. She must be new, probably one of the grade 8's.

I smile at her. "No, it's fine I should be watching where I'm walking", I say. "My name is Michelle by the way".

The red haired girl smiles, "I'm Raquel, nice to meet you." She looks down at her feet , she seems shy. Am I that intimidating?

Before I could say anything else the bell rings. Oh well , guess I better find my class. We wave at each other goodbye, no one saying a word to the other. I head of to the reception to collect my time table and other information regarding my home teacher and which classes I'm in.

"Good morning Michelle, good to see you again this year", says the secretary Mrs Davids.

"Morning Ma'am, I'm glad I'm back. May I please have my information booklet."

Mrs Davids hands me my booklet. I scroll through it. Yes! Room 23! I'm in the A class. Wonder who else is there...

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