Chapter 6

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Bridget's POV

The people in my class seem really nice and just okay. You get the quiet ones, the bubbly ones and the friendly ones. I can't really say much about everyone else because I only spoke to a few people. But my mind was focused on one person, a boy to be specific. I didn't actually know his name but he looked amazing.

He had black dark eyes that you found yourself lost in, a great sense of humour, amazing kissable lips that were in a thin line and great eye lashes. Wait, why am I thinking lie this? I'm only 13 for goodness sake! Uh! But the sound of his voice is amazing, it's as if an angel is whispering in my ear. I am intrigued by the way his lips move.

Anyway it was lunch time and I was walking towards the cafeteria, my thoughts were interrupted by a girl who pulled my hand. "Hey, can I help you?" I ask.

"Hi! I'm Sofia, can we be best friends? You seem really cool. I need a friend and it's the first day of school , I remember you from Orientation day." She carries on rambling for God knows how long.

I stare at her dumbfounded. Wow! All that talk coming from a little girl. I examine her from top to bottom. You could say she was pretty. She had short legs thus making her skirt reach her ankles, her skin was yellow but it was highlighted by the sun thus making it glow even more and she had short brown hair. What ruined it for her was the fact that she had a huge forehead.

"Um yeah sure. Why not? I'm Bridget by the way."

"I already know your name."

Okay that's weird. But I do need a friend and someone to hang around with that's why I accepted her offer.

"So are you new here? Wait what am I saying of course this is your first time here at the school. I'm sorry it's just that I'm really excited!"

I roll my eyes at her. This girl is weird. "Shouldn't you be nervous and scared of high school?", I ask.

"Not really, I'm just excited of the great adventure that it offers." She says excitedly, jumping up and down.

My eyes get caught by another pair of black eyes. OMW.... its "him". He walks pass us and gives me a small wave and a million dollar smile that will make any girl go weak by the knees. Being the idiot that I am, I smile like a fool, revealing all my ugly teeth. I couldn't remove my eyes from him.

"Uhm hello? Earth yo Bridget?"

"Uh what? I'm here. What's wrong?!"

"Thought I lost you for a moment. I saw the way you were looking at that guy." Sofia gives me a creepy smile.

"Wait, what? No way, you saw nothing. Hey let's hurry and go to the cafeteria before Jesus arrives." I say sarcastically.

Hey guys!!! How well am I doing. .? Or how bad am I. ?? I am still struggling a little so please bare with me. I'll try to write longer chapters. How is the story so far?

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