Chapter 2: Abnormal

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           *Alarm clock goes off*

           *Shuts alarm off*

"What the? Didn't I fall asleep on the couch," I mumble to myself.

  I go down stairs, to see every door locked and not a thing out of place. Millions of thoughts run through my mind. Maybe I woke up and moved to my bed but didn't remember.

I made myself some cereal then quickly got ready for school. Rushing myself, I grabbed my backpack and pulled my jacket off the coat rack, then headed out the door. I felt the warmish cold breeze and the sunshine against my face. It felt so nice to walk out in and clear my mind. I heard foot steps behind me but when I looked back nothing was there. My heart raced. I ignored it and continued on. As soon as I get to school, I meet Jesse at the bike racks.

"Wow, you look like crap," Jesse says with a giggle.

"Thanks for the fabulous greet Jess," I reply with sarcasm.

"You look like you haven't slept in days Jersie," Jesse says.

"Nah it's not that. I just had a really weird night."

"What do you mean?"

"Long story."

We both head to first period without any hesitation. The day was going very swell until I got to fifth period. I was barely at the door before my teacher captured my attention.

"Ms. Carleson, may I speak with you for a moment," Mr, Fitzberg asks.

"Um, sure," I reply. I walk over to him.

"I am very concerned about your grade in this class," he says with sympathy.

" I know. It's been quite low for a while. I suppose I could do an extra-credit assignment. That should fix it right up," I reply.

"Actually it will take much more than that. That is why is I'm putting you in a tutor class," Mr. Fitzberg says as he writes something down.

"Mr. Fitzberg, I promise you I will do just fine without the tutor class So if you could jus-"

"Enough said. You are going to be in the tutor class every Monday and Friday after school until your grades improve. Just to inform you, if you do not attend this class, your grades will continue to suffer and you will receive serious consequences."

He hands me a "TUTOR CLASS SLIP", as anger charges through my system. I charge out of the classroom and continue on with the rest of the day.

  *Bell Rings*

I pull out my "TUTOR CLASS SLIP" and the information included.

*Phone Beeps*

JESSE: wanna come over today?

ME: Sorry I can't. I'm busy. Maybe tomorrow.

JESSE: K bye!

ME: Bye!

*throws phone in backpack*

I walk into Mr. Fitzberg's classroom. I gently close the door.

"You see class literature- Jersie you are late. Take a seat," Mr. Fitzberg says.

My eyes scatter the classroom in search for an empty seat. The only seat available for me was the one exactly next to- the boy. The boy with the green eyes. The boy with the tattoos. The boy that was in handcuffs. My body shakes as I make my way to the empty seat. Why would anyone let me sit alone in the back of this class with that criminal?

I take a seat, open my notebook and try to avoid contact with him. Just as I suspected, he says something.

"Err- I believe we got off on the wrong foot yesterday. I'm Harry. Harry Styles," he says, looking me straight in the eyes, holding out his hand.

"Um. I'm Jersie. Jersie Carleson," I shake his hand. I couldn't help myself to look into his eyes, which once were dull and now the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

"Is there something wrong," he asks with a deep British accent.

"It's just your eyes are so beautiful," I say then immediately cover my mouth with my hand.

"Did I just say that out loud?"

" I believe you did," he giggles with a smile.

"JERSIE!," Mr. Fitzberg snaps.

"Will you please answer my question?  Who is the greatest writer in the history of the English language?"

"ummm," I reply.

"William Shakespeare," Harry whispers.

"Um. William Shakespeare," I say out loud.

"Well done," Mr. Fitzberg says and continues teaching.

" Thank you so much. I owe you," I whisper to Harry.

" I think we can make an arrangement," He says while shooting another gorgeous smile. I smile back.

  *Class ends*

Harry and I walk out of the class together. We talked so much, he ended up walking me home.

As I reach my front porch I say," Well it was a pleasure to meet you. Thanks for walking me home love."

I write my number on his arm.

"Text me," I say happily.

"I'd love to," he says giving me a hug. It was the warmest hug I have ever gotten from anyone. Bonus he even smelt amazing.

Harry walks off waving at me.

"Bye love," I shout.


Authors note:

Hey guys thanks for reading. I really like this fanfic. Comment what you think!

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