Chapter Twenty-Three: Truths Twisted

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Truths Twisted

        The group stood in front of a building that looked desolate and abandoned. The paint was dull and was chipped. Extremely. In fact, some of the paint was peeling. Some windows had been broken; obvious signs of nosy trespassers or curious teenagers. Considering the amount of graffiti, it was probably a safe bet to say it was both. The front doors themselves were wrecked. One was missing it's bottom half and one closer inspection, you could make out evidence that someone used a crowbar to break the wood in half. The other door was hanging of its hinges at an angle. It really was a mess. Then again, looks can be deceiving as they had all learned from the battle from before.

        Aries sighed and quickly redid her hair, while everyone scanned the nearby area, overly cautious - but they did have the right to be. They didn't know anything about the enemy themselves other than what information Erza and Igneel had told them. Not only that, they energy had been seriously depleted, especially with their novice use of magic. All in all, this placed them in a very scary and precarious position, so basically, walking into enemy territory was their death sentence.

        But what else could they possibly do? They had no ways of bribing them, as far as their knowledge went. And they certainly weren't willing to just sit back and watch their friends be tortured and possibly killed. Who could? It was simply inhumane. So the obvious answer was to go head in first. However, that was probably exactly the enemy wanted. But why not give it to them? Considering what had happened in the last fight, or rather, they were probably un-prepared and underestimating them, the enemy didn't know much about them, their other world selves, and their magic either.

        Taking in a deep breath, Aries immediately switched into business mode; a simple way to hide any signs of fear that would come as they entered foreign territory. "I apologize for the lack of care of this building." She said as she raised her hand, directing everyone's attention to the building.

        Rather quickly, the pink-haired woman entered the building by pushing open the door which had it's bottom half taken off. Holding the door, Aries ushered everyone in calmly as they peered around, trying to pinpoint any enemies without making it obvious they were doing so. They had already agreed they would enter the building under the pretense that they were possible buyers of a cheap storage building. It had been clumsily and quickly put together, but it was the most they could do to keep anything at bay for a little.

        Aries gently let the door close behind them, but it still made a horrendous sound that resonated throughout the open space. The inside was surprisingly clean. Yes, there was still dirt and such, but there were no signs of paint, vandalism, or even drug deals. It was also surprisingly empty, excluding such things such as random barrels, which Erza suspected wasn't so exactly random.

        The pink haired woman hurried to the front of the large group and smiled, while holding a clipboard that was just filled with blank paper to cover as fake ownership forms and such. Plastering a big smile on her face, Aries started the fake tour. "As you can see, we do little things to keep the building from getting too desolate. We also have taken care of any pest control so that this place doesn't turn into a breeding ground for them. We wouldn't have rated R scenes here of course."

        This cheap joke was enough to send some nervous titters throughout the group and they were able to calm down a tad bit, which was enough for them to stop jumping at every little sound something bad. As they transversed the floor ground of the building, they all could feels eyes resting upon them. It didn't take a genius to notice that fact. They were being watched. As simple as that.

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