Ignoring the Sparks

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If you love something let it go 'cause it will come back to you! Thranduil is hurt he might seem powerful and cold like ice but he is not, he loved his wife and he missed her! -n2n0n00 (Athena)

        Linesse didn't move nor did she have the right mind to turn around and slice his pretty head off his pitiful shoulders. "You may seem like an assassin but you are nothing more than a little girl sneaking around," the King hissed, he clearly knew who he was talking to but he wanted to know why his own wife doesn't remember him-- her husband! "Tell me young she-elf what is your name?" Thranduil asked, her green eyes that Thranduil loved so much snapped towards him and she spat out "Go to Mordor!!" Thranduil's eyes widen in shock. He couldn't believe his wife would say such a thing.

"Then you are to be taken away," Thranduil hissed as guards came and grabbed Linesse "Take her to my room make sure that she is chained to my bed and guard the windows so she won't escape." Thranduil ordered, Tauriel looked suspiciously at the King wondering why was he so kind unlike his usual self where he wouldn't hesitate to throw a prisoner into the dungeon and let that person rot. Could this be the person Legolas was talking about? she remembered that night when the assassin escaped Legolas stormed off to his room without a word uttered she came to his comfort and found him sitting on his bed staring at the wall. When Tauriel asked her friend what is the matter all he could say was

'My father told me that-- that assassin was my mother.... I don't understand my mother died falling off a cliff'

Tauriel looked at the assassin as Thranduil yanked the hood off revealing her face, she couldn't help but let her jaw drop literally. She looked like Legolas-- she even looked like the Queen's statue. Could it be her? Could she be the one to cure their cold-hearted king? Could her death be the reason why he is so distant and cold? Tauriel wanted to know because she looked up to the Queen whenever her mother told her stories of Queen Elodiel, not the fairest Queen of all but the fairest Queen to Thranduil who loved and cherished the great Greenwood. She heard stories of how this place used to be merry filled with laughter and song but now it was an empty shell of memories-- or in Thranduil's words 'It was nothing but a sweet dream' 

Thranduil walked with his chin up away from the guards that were taking their prisoner to his room everyone was puzzled but Thranduil did not care...... as he rounded the deserted corner he quickly leaned his back on the wall breathing heavily as he clutched his aching heart. His heart couldn't take the pain remembering his wife's death how she screamed out and tried to reach for him, how the fear in her eyes grew as she fell deeper. Now that she has returned and is trying to kill him? He couldn't feel anything near to the word complete utter happiness-- yes! He was happy to see his wife alive and kicking-- literally! but he felt a pang of pain through his chest seeing his wife hold a dagger to his throat. Did she really forget who he was or is she seeking revenge that he did not-- couldn't protect the one he loved?

"Ada?" Legolas sudden voice came beside him, Thranduil's head snapped towards his as he saw his son staring at him with so much concern in his eyes but Thranduil pushed himself off the wall and straighten himself out and held his chin up and said "Yes?" "Are you alright?" his son asked him, no he was no where near the word 'alright' he wanted to pull his hair out and let the tears fall not from the pain of pulling his hair but the pain that he felt in his chest. "I am feeling just perfect." he spat the word 'perfect' Legolas' wasn't fooled by his facade. He could tell his father was in pain, Legolas was already in pain seeing his mother tried killing his father what more if it was his own spouse. "Ada I know--" Legolas was cut off by his own father "No! You know nothing--" but the King was also cut off by a guard shouting

"The dwarves have escaped!" 

Linesse tried pulling the chains off the bed but it was no use, "Bard is so gonna kill me." she whispered to herself when suddenly the door opened and then walked in the person she dreaded to face. "Tell me little assassin.... why do you want to kill someone as magnificent as me?" he asked as he started pacing in front of Linesse while she glared daggers at him. "You're so full of yourself!" Linesse hissed as she tried to lung at him but the chains prevented her from so. "Assassin... please... just answer a few questions and I shall set you free," he said softly as he stared at Linesse with so much love and that confused Linesse. "You jest?" she asked not believing "I keep my word young assassin." he said 

Still Linesse didn't believe the elven king "You may strategically place your lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly!" Linesse hissed "My pleasure," Thranduil answered calmly making Linesse's face flush. "Now tell me assassin why do you want to kill me?" Thranduil asked impatiently as his face grew closer and closer to Linesse's face making her uncomfortable yet as his breath tickled her bare skin she could feel tingles going up and down her spine. Thranduil took every little strength he had not to press his lips to his wife's wonderful ones. Linesse could feel sparks as their eyes connected but she pushed it out of her mind-- no! She couldn't fall for the one that made her suffer everyday. 

"Why do you want to kill me?" he asked softly Linesse shook her head not wanting to lean forward and kiss the lips that stood only inches away from hers. She jerked back and spat "You don't know what you did that made my life go through hell!? You are a cold hearted elf!" Thranduil's eyes widen and he hissed "What did I do so wrong!?" "You turned your back away from the suffering of my people-- and the dwarves! I saw you riding on your elk! Looking down upon us as if we were low live ants! I shouted out to you holding the woman in my arms-- bleeding and close to death-- she helped me through my life! You don't deserve to live while others died by your hands!" Linesse yelled tears spilling from her eyes

Linesse expected a slap or a insulting comeback but instead the King wrapped his arms around her and brought her closer to his chest, Linesse was shock by the unexpected hug as much as she want to push away she couldn't-- she loved the feeling of being in his arms. She felt warm and safe-- she felt all her worries washed away just from his simple touch. "I'm sorry," he whispered so low that she could almost not hear him. Did he say sorry? The most feared and dangerous king apologize? 

He pulled away and looked into her eyes, Linesse couldn't tell if something was terribly wrong with the King or some sort of spell was rested upon her. He looked into her eyes with much love and regret, she felt as if she has known this elf all her life-- even though almost every single second of her life in Lake town was filled with him. She thought of him everyday, feeling a pull towards him but wasn't it revenge? Revenge is what she seeks right? Revenge is what brought her to Mirkwood-- was she wrong?

"What is your name?" he asked softly not tearing his eyes away from hers fearing she might disappear before him. "Li.. Linesse." she stuttered she was scared of the feelings that was coursing through her heart. "Linesse, where do you live?" he asked kindly "Lake town." she replied as Thranduil stood in front of her holding her shoulders like she was the most precious gem. They stood there for a while just staring into each others eyes not worrying about anything else. Suddenly the door opened and a voice said "Ada We hav--" but he was cut off as he saw the view from the door. Legolas' heart clench at the sight of his parents together, his heart was full of pain yet at the same time happiness. 

"You are free to go," Thranduil said painfully, he did not want to let go of his wife but he had to. He also knew she would be coming back but this time not for revenge but for either answers or the sparks that was swarming the room even Legolas could feel their love. "Why?" Linesse questioned wasn't he gonna punish her? whip her? chop her head off? "Don't worry Linesse.. you'll be coming back to me looking for answers." he said, Linesse was confuse but then unexpectedly Thranduil leaned down and brushed his lips on her lips but much to her dismay he didn't kissed her lips instead he kissed her head.

She didn't know why she was disappointed without looking back Linesse turned around and jumped off the balcony it took every fiber in her to not turn around and kiss him full on the lips. 

Why was she feeling these sparks? 

The King's Assassin [Thranduil]Where stories live. Discover now