A mother and her son.

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        A few days have passed and Linesse have gotten used to the halls of Thranduil but even though everyone treated her as she was an important gem every night is what Linesse dreads the most for her nights were filled with so much nightmares,

Linesse was running for her life but she doesn't know what she was running from all she knows is that she had to keep running. Her heart was beating furiously not letting her have a moment of peace. Linesse tried to scream or shout for help but no sound not even a whimper would come out of her mouth.

While she ran she stopped dead in her tracks as an agonizing pain shot through her mind and she felt her whole world spinning around her and she couldn't do anything but kneel down to the pain that was increasing and the nightmare that consumes her every night. She couldn't do anything but succumb to it. Suddenly a bright light shined brightly just up ahead just like every night but as she tried to run towards the light the light will only get father and farther. She cried loudly for the light to help her but still no voice came out no words. 

Linesse felt the pain of abandoning and despair she felt a heartache of a thousand heartbreaks. but this night was different as Linesse shouted and this time a voice came out strong and clearly 


Tears ran down her face as she fell to her knees again but as she looked up the light was in front of her and a hand was held out for her to grab, she grabbed the hand and as she tried looking at the savior she was blinded by the bright light and couldn't see the face but her savior spoke


Linesse woke up with sweat on her forehead and she noticed she was back in her own chambers which was very kind of Thranduil to give her, her own chambers instead of sharing it with him which he had planned but Linesse asked for her own until she knows exactly who she is. 

She wiped the sweat from a cloth that she kept on the side of her table, it was yesterday that Bard, Bain, Tilda, and Sigrid visited her and she talked to them and how Bard was now the head of Dale. Sigrid spoke of a guy who caught her eye and Tilda complained how Bain and Sigrid had crushes and Bard didn't remarry and said he'll dedicate his time and devotion to his kids and people. 

Thranduil was busy but made sure that at every meal time he was present and spoke a bit, It's been a while since Linesse has argued with Thranduil since both of them had a friendly and decent topics and Linesse has grown bored of her time there just spent around the halls of Thranduil wandering around and nothing to do not a single chore when she tried helping one of the servants the servants told her 'no' because they'll get scolded by Thranduil and that's the worst thing that could happen especially when it comes to her.

Linesse got up from her bed and took her bath and dressed as she began her normal routine as she wandered the halls. Looking at different paintings of the past Kings and Queens, but for some reason Linesse felt different just like her dream. Usually in her dream the light would never come near her nor her mouth will ever give back her voice but because she shouted one word, one name everything changed. Instead of taking a left which usually led her to the gardens she took a right which was also the way to Thranduil's chambers.

She looked at paintings on the wall that she haven't seen yet but she then stopped at one painting,

(Displayed on the side: I do not own the picture though)

She stopped in front of the painting and looked at it carefully and gasped a bit when she noticed that the woman holding the baby was her and the man in front of her was Thranduil. 

"It is one of my favorite paintings especially my fathers." a voice said from behind her, she jumped and put a hand over her chest but relaxed as she realized it was Legolas "Sorry for startling you," he apologized Linesse composed herself and looked back at the painting and asked the most obvious question, she knows the answer she just wants to hear it form their own mouth. "Why is it your favorite?" she asked as she shrugged her shoulders but Legolas just chuckled and said "If it isn't obvious, I miss my mother." Linesse's head snapped towards him in shocked not expecting that answer. 

"I was just an infant when she went missing but all I remember of her was her sweet voice singing me to sleep. Father speaks really highly of her but why wouldn't he. She was the woman he loved the only woman to make him smile and his heart filled with love." Legolas said not taking his eyes off the painting and a tear ran down his face he usually cried every time he spoke of her. Linesse didn't know what to do. Everybody told her that she was the Queen and the evidence was right in front of her but how come she can't remember? Could it be true? Could the man, the shining light in her dreams be Thranduil?

Linesse walked slowly to Legolas and put her arms around him since she was a bit taller than him and Linesse tensed when Legolas wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his head in her neck crying like a child. Linesse ran her hand through his hair and sung softly to him,

(The song is on the side: it is a song from 'The Phantom of the Opera' sung by: Emmy Rossum so I'll use her voice as Linesse / Elodiel's voice so please play it)

As Linesse started singing she stroked Legolas' hair

Think of me

think of me fondly, when
we've said goodbye
remember me
once in a while, please
promise me you'll try

When you find,
that once again you long
to take your heart back,
and be free
if you ever find a moment,
spare a thought for me

Legolas relaxed in her arms just like a Son would feel for a mother and in the background Thranduil watched with a heart filled of joy and happiness. Her voice echoed though the cave making all the people in the palace hear her voice and relaxed at the sound of it. As they remember her voice once rang through these caves and some even cried.

We never said
our love was evergreen
or as unchanging as the sea...
but if you can still remember,
stop and think of me

Think of all the things
we've shared and seen,
don't think about ways the things
which might have been

Think of me
think of me waking, silent
and resigned...
imagine me, trying too hard to
put you from my mind...

Recall those days,
look back on all those times,
think of the things
we'll never do...
there will never be a day when
I won't think of you

Thranduil sings to himself:

Can it be? Can it be Elodiel?
Long ago, 
it seems so long ago
how young and innocent we were
She may not remember me
but I remember her.

Back to Elodiel

Flowers Fade,
the fruits of summer fade.
They have their seasons, so do we
but please promise me that
sometimes You will think of me.

"You okay now Legolas?" Linesse asked as she pulled away from the hug and looked at Legolas as she brushed his stray tears from his face using her thumb. "Sorry, I feel better now." he said Linesse smiled at this and watched as Legolas walked away. 

She was in awe as she watched Legolas walked away like she felt she was proud of him. Linesse turned around and saw Thranduil standing there like he has seen her and Legolas having a moment of peace, tears were filled in Thranduil's eyes. Without thinking and just like a natural instinct Linesse ran towards Thranduil and threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest and Thranduil wrapped his arms around her and cherished the moment he had with his wife.

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