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I'm writing this while possibly having a concussion - so I'm sorry if it sucks.


Now to the story :)


"Good morning, Sunshine."

Felicity turned around and smiled at me, "Someone's happy."

"It's a new school year. I can just tell that this will be the best one." I smiled brightly while staring into the distance.

"You say that at the start of every school year."

"Well, I mean it every year."

She rolled her eyes and pulled her math book from her locker, "When do you have math?"


"I have it first."

"That sucks."

She scoffed, "Tell me about it."


Both of us spun on our heels to see the boys coming over to us. By boys, I mean Bryce, Zach, Justin, Marcus, and Montgomery.

"Boys." we both breathed out, mocking Bryce.

Bryce kissed the top of my head as he pulled me into his side, "How's my queen?"

"Better now that you're here." I smiled up at him.

I swear I could've heard one of the boys scoff, but I'm not sure who.

"How ya doin', Baby?"

Felicity closed her eyes as she breathed out, "We talked about this, Zach."

"Sorry." he mumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair.

I giggled as Felicity wrapped her arms around Zach's torso anyways. They were the oddest couple, but they were honestly goals.

"Where's Jess?"

My question was directed toward Justin. I hadn't seen Jessica, his girlfriend, anywhere. They were normally attached at the hip.

He shrugged, "I dunno."

"Shouldn't you?" my eyebrows were raised.

"I'm not her keeper."

Bryce rolled his eyes, "But you are her boyfriend."

Justin just groaned as he stormed off down the hallway, away from the group. We all sort of burst into a fit of laughter. Justin and Jessica always had an... interesting relationship.

"Someone's on their period." Bryce joked.

I hit his stomach and glared at him. He kept laughing and put his hands up as if he were surrendering to me.

"What? That's how he's acting."

I grabbed my literature book from my locker and walked off down the school hallway. Technically, I was going to class. Realistically, I was going to make sure Justin was okay. It seemed as if something were bothering him.

Justin and I were friends. We had grown up together, not necessarily as best friends, but definitely not acquaintances.

After about a minute of speed walking, I caught up to him right outside our English classroom. I'm assuming we have the same first class. I gripped his arm, causing him to spin around.

"What do you want, Crys?" he snapped.

I let my arm fall down to my side, "I wanted to make sure you were okay."


"Because you're my friend?"

Justin roughly shoved his fingers through his hair, "I'm fine, okay? Jess and I are fine. My mom is fine. Everything's fine."

"You sure?" I whispered the next part, "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"Yah, I do."

With that, he walked into the classroom. I was about to walk in as well, but stopped when I heard my name being called.

For the second time this morning, I spun on my heels to see who it was. Bryce. It was my boyfriend, Bryce.

"What was that all about?" he gestured behind him.

I shrugged, "I wanted to make sure Justin was okay."

"Why? You got a crush on him?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "No, Bryce, he's my friend. And friends make sure that their friends are okay."

He didn't say anything. I closed my eyes and let out a large breath before opening my eyes once again. I put on a fake smile and gestured into the classroom.

"Shall we?"

He nodded and walked into the English room first, to which I followed. We always sat in the back and my seat for today just so happened to be between Justin and Bryce.

Lucky me, right?

Make Me :: Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now