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"Good morning."

I turned around only to be pinned against the counter. His face was so close to me, I just kissed his nose.

"Morning." I giggled.

He scrunched his nose up, "That was weird."

"You ready for school?"

"Do I look ready?"

That's when I noticed that Justin was shirtless and his sweatpants were hanging dangerously low on his hips.

I bit the inside of my cheeks, "Guess not."

"You look good."

My outfit was a pale blue sundress. I was feeling cute today.

"Thanks, Justey." I smiled as I gestured behind him, "Now, go get ready. We need to leave soon."

He stuck his tongue out at me as he walked away. I turned back around and continued to make my morning coffee.

"Hey, Crys!"

I turned around and raised my eyebrows. Justin hadn't gotten very far.


He chewed on his lip before continuing, "Do you... be my girlfriend?"

I swear, the biggest smile spread across my face. My eyes immediately went to the ground, he actually wanted me to be his girlfriend.


My head shot up toward him. I haven't answered him yet.

"Sorry." I let out a small laugh, "I meant to answer you. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

A smile stretched across his face. A genuine smile, something I haven't seen in ages.



"That is freaking amazing." Felicity squealed, "My best friend has a boyfriend again."

"Are you happy for me?" I whispered.

She scoffed, "Of course I am! How could I not be?"

"You two are endgame."

"Jeff!" Felicity and I both squealed before hugging the boy who had interrupted our conversation.

"So he finally got the balls to ask you to be his girlfriend?" he raised his eyebrows at me.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Good." he laughed, "Cause I was about to ask you to be his girlfriend for him."

Justin showed up beside me and brohugged Jeff.

"What were you gonna do?"

Jeff gestured to me, "Ask Crystal to be your girlfriend for you if you didn't hurry up."

"That would've been awkward." Justin laughed.

I nodded and then kissed Justin's cheek.

"That's why I'm glad you asked."

Make Me :: Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now