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Everyone go follow damiwaynes because she actually wrote this chapter 'cause of my severe writers block and she's an angel!

"You took me to the fair?"

Justin wrapped his arm tightly around my waist, "Of course. My girl had a bad day, so I wanted to make it better."

"You're honestly the best." I smiled as I pecked his lips.

We entered the fair grounds which was bustling with many people, majority of them being young kids. We walked hand in hand, looking around before we thought of going on any rides. But after a few minutes of walking and Justin being Justin, he decided to pull me along to the bumper cars, I protested at first, unsure whether I would make a suitable opponent but Justin threw all my doubts out the window and pulled me into the ring.

Once buckled in and ready, we awaited the bell that would signal us our start. And once the bell rang, Justin and I were at each other's necks. He eagerly shoved into me causing me to go straight into the barrier.

"Hey! No fair. You're playing dirty." I poured and sent my boyfriend a glare.

All he did in return was smirk and drove away in his blue bumper car. I huffed and got myself out and away from the barrier. Justin was waiting not too far away, probably ready to hauling me into the barrier again but I wasn't gonna let that happen.

As he came speeding towards me, I was able to avoid him and this time, he was the one to go into the barrier. My laugh hollered throughout the noisy mini arena; my uneasy and sad feeling slowly fading away.

About twenty minutes later, we were out of the bumper carts arena and headed towards one of the many benders working at the fair. Justin was sulking besides, sad that he lost against me.

"Quit sulking, Justey. It's just bumper cars." I giggled.

"That's the thing, it's cars. I'm supposed to be the one winning." He pouted and I had the urge to kiss his pout away.

I laughed before encircling my arm around his waist and pulling myself closer to his warm body. I pushed myself up on my toes and kissed his pout, it instantly went away and Justin kissed me back.

The kiss was short and didn't last long. We soon got out candy floss and walked to the little stalls with many trading games.

I squealed upon seeing the plush teddy on one of the shelves by the ring throwing stall. "Justey, look at that cute pink elephant!" I squealed as I tugged at his denim jacket sleeve.

"You want it?" He asked with knowing eyes.

"Please!" I pleaded, giving him the best puppy dog eyes I could.

"Alright." He gave in. He handed the vender a dollar note and was given three rings to toss onto the bottlenecks.

He wasn't able to get the rings in the first time so he handed the vender another dollar and threw the rings once again. As this time he was able to get them in. I cheered for him and watched as he fist pumped the air in victory.

The vender handed him the pink elephant and Justin finally turned to me. "Malady." He hand me the pink elephant in a jester like way. I took the plush animal from him and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, Justey."

"Anything for my girl." He smiled, pressing a long kiss to my cheek.

In that moment, I was in cloud nine.

Make Me :: Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now