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When he saw it was me he just walked faster. I sped up, even though running in heels is challenging, and tried to catch up with the boy.

"Justin!" I called out once again.

A few more strides and my hand could grab his arm, stopping him. Once he turned around to face me he angrily shook my hand off his arm.

"I told you, I'm fine." he glared at me.

"I can see right through your lies. You know that, right Justin?"

"Will you just leave me alone? I'm 100% fine and I don't need a stupid cheerleader worrying about me all the time." Justin snapped.

I took a step back, "Wow, okay. I guess that's how friends treat each other now."

"I guess it is."


I cursed under my breath when I heard Bryce call my name out. Justin smirked at me and I just glared back.

"Go running back to your rich boyfriend, Crys." he waved me off.

"Go to hell, Justin Foley." I yelled, spinning on my heels and stomping off toward Bryce.


I kept walking right past my boyfriend and his friends. Bryce caught up to me, grabbing hold of one of my hands as I stomped down the hall.

"What was that all about?" he whispered in my ear.

I scoffed, "Nothing. That person isn't even worth my time anymore."

"Did Justin hurt you? Cause if he did, I swear... I swear I'll beat his-"

"He didn't hurt me, Bryce. He just, he proved to me why everyone thinks he's such a jerk."


"What did you do?"

I furrowed my eyebrows when Jessica roughly turned me around to face her.

"What are you talking about?"

She shoved her fingers through her hair, "Justin. What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything. I just tried to talk to him."

"Well stop trying." she growled, "He's my boyfriend."

Jessica stormed off, leaving me with my mouth open in shock. I didn't even notice when Felicity walked up beside me.

"You okay, Crys?" Felicity asked, shaking my arm.

I slowly nodded, "I think so."

"What happened?" she questioned, leaning up against the lockers.

"I tried to talk to Justin this morning and he wouldn't spill. Then Jessica just blew up at me and told me to stop trying."

"That's weird."

I nodded, dropping my head into my hands, "I know."

"Justin always talks to you." Felicity breathed out, "You're one of his closest friends, why isn't he talking to you?"

"I'd love to know the answer to that, Fiz."

She tugged on my arm, "Let's get to class. Just don't worry about Justin all too much, he'll come around."

"I guess so."

Make Me :: Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now