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"I know it's only been a couple hours since I last saw you, but I missed you a lot."

Justin just chuckled as he walked past me into my house, "You're crazy."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, I overreacted." He pulled me into hug, kissing my temple before letting go, "I just keep thinking your gonna walk out on me like everyone else in my life."

"Aww, Justey." I pouted, pulling him into another hug.

After we let go of each other, I pulled him into the kitchen. There were 2 boxes of pizza sitting on the counter and Justin immediately dug into one.

"Blessings on your soul."

I ruffled his hair before walking through the house and to my room. My school clothes were bothering me, so I decided to change into some pjs.

My eyes scanned my body as I looked in my bathroom mirror. I really needed to stop slacking on my diet. Yeah yeah, the baggy tshirt I'm wearing doesn't help my figure, but I still need to work on my diet.

"Hey, Crys?"

"Bedroom!" I yelled my location as I walked to my bed and sat down.

Seconds later Justin was in my room. He stood by to doorway, chewing his lip as if he were thinking of what to say.

"Is something on yo-"

"Where's your family?"

My breath caught in my throat, "W-What do you mean?"

"They haven't been home in like a week." he ran his fingers through his hair, "Where exactly are there? Your mom, dad, and brother."

Tears stung my eyes as they threatened to fall. I swallowed hard as the first tear fell, which caused a ripple effect. Within seconds, tears were streaming down my face.

I felt the bed sink down next to me and then Justin pulled me into his lap. His arms were tightly wrapped around my torso as I cried into his shoulder.

"Crys, what's wrong?" he breathed out, "Baby girl, what's wrong?"

"They-They... they're g-gone." I cried.

Justin rubbed my back, "What do you mean?"

"There was a c-car accident about a week ago."

He froze before pulling away from me, cupping my cheeks so that I'd look at him. My eyes were cloudy due to my tears, but I tried to keep eye contact with them.

"You... you mean to tell me, before I even started staying here, you're entire f-family d-died?" 

A few more tears fell as I nodded, trying to hold back my sobs, "It hasn't felt real until now."

He brought my head down and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead before pulling me into yet another hug.

"I-I'm just glad... I didn't want Bryce to be the one with me when I broke down like this. He, He would've just told me to get over it." I hiccuped.

Justin wiped the tears away from my eyes with his thumbs, softly smiling at me, "I kinda always wanted it to be me comforting you."

"What?" I whispered.

He let out a shaky breath, "Damn, this is the worst timing ever."

"For what?"

"For telling you that I've basically been in love with you forever. All of those other relationships were distractions."

My jaw dropped.

He was and still is in love with me? Why am I so oblivious?

"Dammit, Crys, say something." he searched my eyes for some clue of what I was thinking.

I actually didn't know what I was thinking.

But I did cup his cheeks and crash my lips into his.

Make Me :: Justin FoleyWhere stories live. Discover now