Chapter Five

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Would you look at that! Another chapter has appeared as if my Kaeta's magic on this very website :D enjoy, folks!!

Huh. I just re-read the end of that chapter there and noticed that I practically wrote my own future. No, I’m not dead, but I did wake up in the early morning with a very nasty surprise; my spells had been breached, and there were tourists outside photographing my house. I’d panicked initially but then I realised that I had the advantage of being the one with magic; it just meant I’d have to sleep for the next week to recover. Standing at a window in my oldest dress (there’re a few lying around, trust me) I froze an image of myself there to attract the eager photographer’s lenses. Then, cursing the assassin as I went, I ran to the front door and began chanting.

To wipe all of the cameras, memories and sketching, I had to expend way too much energy for the time of day (I hate mornings), going through everything and making the tourists wonder why the hell they were stood in the middle of nowhere in their pyjamas- no joke- holding their mega bucks cameras and canvases. Yeah my castle is nice, but they don’t need to see it. Humans need never see my house, and I could quite happily MURDER the person that made it visible. If only I knew his name… anyway, I managed to clean everything of my house and there were no “ghostly woman appears in unknown castle” headlines or news coverage. Just a story on how a load of people had blanked on an entire hour of their morning. Which I have to admit was very amusing; there were people recorded saying things like, “and I just snapped out of some kind of trance, standing with my camera poised at nothing. It was quite worrying.” Or “I’ve always believed in aliens but now I have proof! I’ve never been to this part of the moor before in my life and there is no other explanation. Aliens have landed!” I fell of my chair laughing at that; they thought I was an alien! Humans really do provide a wide range of amusement, when in small doses. In large doses they provide a horrendous headache and sometimes stomach sickness. It appears I have an aversion to the other humanoid beings of this tiny blue spec in the great unknown… and I’ll come back to earth now rather than giving a physics lesson to you people. I’m sure you have more things to do than listen to me yatter on about the universe for a while.

Anyway, I’m off to go strengthen my spells again; he’s not far away now.

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