Chapter Fifteen

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Hello there! So, here it is, the very last chapter of GA&GW! I hope you've enjoyed it, for those who've followed it through =D aww, *sniffs* i'm getting all emotional 'bout this... Well, i'll say the usual vote/comment/fan if you want, cuz I <3 u guys and I love hearing what people have to say =) Anyway, here we go! *sob* "My little baby story heading out into the big wide world... when did it get so old?" hehehe!! oh, btw! this bit is written in past tense, cuz otherwise it would be a bit weird. Heh, i'll stop interupting now XD



One of the main things that I remember thinking was, 'thank you for not pulling away from me' as I kissed Kaeta on the exact spot where I'd found her talking to my long dead brother... At first the kiss was chaste and sweet as our lips barely touched, a quiet questioning within the gentle movement. I really didn't want her to pull away- I don't know what I would've done if she had- but I had to hold myself in check because the action highlighted something for me; she was what I'd been searching for, the other piece of my soul. The discovery was immediate and strong, stirring a deep reaction from me- hense holding myself in check. Soon though, the kiss changed pace; I felt Kaeta's hands move from my shoulders to my waist as she took a small step closer towards me. I welcomed her movement, placing my hands on her waist and tilting my head a little more to accomodate for her proximity. I found that I liked the fact that she was tall enough to kiss me without having to pull me down to her height, and that she was trembling lightly all over. Once again I pulled her closer and almost growled as we met, chest to mid thigh touching. Briefly, fleetingly, I wondered whether she'd noticed the daggers I wore in the holster around my right thigh but soon the thought was gone, my mind entirely on Kaeta and the fact that she was there in my arms. I remember clearly how her lips tasted of the tears she'd cried just moments before, a salty sweet taste which was driving me wild. I moved my face to the side of her neck kissing and nuzzling her throat, enjoying the fact it smelt like her and her life, loving the fact I could feel every small sound she made. "Lazairne..." her breathy words tugged at me once again, bringing me back to her lips. The kiss that followed was hungry, demanding but still sweet in its own way. Kaeta gripped the top of my hip causing my fine chainmail to nip a little before she sighed almost silently and moved a little closer into me, arching her back as I pulled her into my front. Suddenly, she froze and dropped her face. "Kaeta? what's wroing?" A scarily ugly thought came into my head; was there someone else? I made an attempt to quell the sudden rage, swearing that I would kill him with my bare hands at the first chance I got. "Kaeta?" My voice was a deep growl, causing Kaeta to look up with wide eyes. All too soon, she looked down again. "It's just..." I just resisted reaching for my dagger before she carried on, "I'm... I'm a..." I let my fingertip brush the hilt of my dagger before I rested my forehead on hers. "You can tell me." At least that time I sounded a bit less scary. "I'm..." A weirdly girly giggle escaped Kaeta's throat, causing her to blush more and press her face into my chest, forcing me to rest my chin on the top of her head. "I'm a virgin, okay!" the words were a rushed babble, as though she couldn't face the words now they were out there. I chuckled a little and hugged her yet closer before surprising her with my answer. "Me, too." Kaeta froze for about half a minute before looking up through her eyelashes at me. "really?" nodding, I smiled at her response; she looked like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. I carried on, explaining myself I suppose. "No- my entire life has revolved around fighting and training for as long as I can remember, so i've never... been in a relationship before." The term 'girlfriend' seemed too weak for what I was feeling, stopping me from using it at all. "really?" I nodded again, wondering whether she was actually asking or just repeating herself in shock. "Wow... Did I just kill the moment?" grinning, I started to laugh at her reaction. She just looked so confused and sweet that it damaged her usual dangerous exterior, the one where she could throw daggers with her eyes. By that point I was laughing so hard I had to use Kaeta to hold myself upright, gasping for breath in between bursts of laughter. Her stoically straight lined mouth quirked a little, ruining her upset facade, before she too was laughing and leaning on me to stay upright. When the laughter eventually died, once again I found that we were stood within millimetres of each other, staring into the other's eyes. "hey, is that your real eye colour?" The moment I asked, I wished that I could take the words back- I thought that had really killed the moment, until Kaeta replied. "yeah... It seems that you've cracked my defensive spell." I carried on staring, memorising the steel grey with blue flecks that practically glowed up at me. "oh, have I now?" I pulled her right into me again and began drawing circles in her back, kneading and playing on the bared skin there. Instead of an answer, I felt a purring like vibration resonate through her body, causing all my muscles to tense in reaction. "mmm..." Kaeta's eyes fluttered closed as she tilted her face upward to meet my lips, so I kissed her for a while before pulling back, determined to get that reaction out of her again. Every time I asked her a question, she couldn't answer so instead 'mmm-ed' and nipped at my neck, holding her arms around my shoulders. I carried on playing with her lower back, tickling and brushing the soft skin there. Somehow we ended up laid side by side on the spongy moss whilst I questioned her; the power over her was amazing, but it just made me hope that it was real and she was feeling as much as what I was.

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