Chapter Ten

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Bah, bah, bah bah, bah, bah bah, bah bah... BAH BAH BAH...!!! (mission impossible theme tune, i know that it's bad)

"so this mission really is impossible?"


"lets not bother, then. Tea, anyone?"


Here's chapter ten people, hope you enjoy it :) the above is what I remember of Hugh Dennis' mock the week answer to "unlikely lines to hear in a hollywood blockbuster." love that show nearly as much as I love you guys who read my stuff =D Woah, this is a long bold-y bit. here's the story...


She’s staring at my back. I can feel her eyes boring holes into my shoulder blades and I have no idea what to do about it; turn around and kill her or stand here like a lemon and wait for her to move first? Well, I’m making a great job of the second one, that’s for certain.


He has been charmed; I can feel it from here. In fact, he’s got so many charms on his shoulders that I don’t know how he’s standing upright. Poor guy… I’m trying to break them now, but they’re really good. He seems to have frozen in my eye line like some kind of rabbit in the middle of the road, which is helpful because it’s easier to break spells like that; less jiggery-pokery involved. I would love to know what he’s thinking… P.S I can touch type, hence the present tense I’m using now… by the time you read this it’ll have ended either way, but I’m not changing it. Tough banana peels.


I wonder what she’s typing. A very odd time to start a novel admittedly, but whatever floats her boat… In fact, I wonder what she’s thinking; that’s probably what she’s writing down so quickly -I can hear her tap- tapping away on her laptop from here- in the midst of all this action? More like inaction, since I haven’t managed to move yet. I can hear her chanting things, which probably means she’s decoding the charms on me. Maybe I should sit down… oh, I can’t. I’m still frozen to the spot. What is wrong with me?


Ah-HAH! I’ve found the sticky up edge of the biggest spell and now I’m trying to decide whether to rip it off quick or take my time; decisions, decisions… Well, I feel pity for him because he’s absolutely drowning in magic. However (did you see that coming?) he has tortured me for a while now so…

Rip it quick.


What is she…? She stopped chanting and I want to know whHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!??? WHAT WAS THAT! Oh… aooow. I feel like I’m going to…


Whoops. He’s collapsed… now what do I do? What if he’s only pretending? I did remove the curse from him (it’s dead and gone) but I know he’s not stupid enough to trust me after that. Mind, I best go over and see that he’s not dead. That would be… unwanted. I’m kinda fascinated by this guy. Here we go… oh wow; he definitely looks dead. How can I check if he’s alive? Err… P.S we don’t have an obvious pulse so yeah, that won’t work. So, no pulse, no magic… Heh; shall I go all out poetic, put my computer aside and do something outrageous? I feel like it, that’s for certain. Ah, I may as well. Sleeping beauty, awaken!


I’m dead; she killed me and I’m dead. That’s what this feels like. Mind you, I don’t know how I ended up… hang on. Feels like? FEELS LIKE!! She removed the curse! What a beautiful clever… oh wow… she is her! And maybe I should open my eyes now, since… hang on; is that… is she… is she kissing me? Wow. Wow. What am I doing? Why am I just laid here thinking? What should I do? She’s the throne of our people, the dead prince’s twin… and she’s kissing me! And I was here to kill her. How could I have ever considered it? She’s kissing me! Okay… breathe, Lazairne. Would you look at that! Now I’m talking to myself. I’ve gone crazy. Now if I could only move before she… yeah, too late. I can’t believe that I…

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