Chapter 2 - Home Sweet Home

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Chapter 2

(Alexis' POV)

My eyes fluttered open as chirping birds flew overhead. 'What happened?' I asked myself. Then, after only a second, I remembered. "Dante!" I shouted out, my voice filled with concern.

"Urgh, I'm over here Alexis" His voice was deep and groggy, probably still tired. I glanced around looking for him. A smile formed as soon as I noticed a saw a black and grey tail in a bush. Rushing up to it, I pulled the bush apart and found my best friend.

Dante was laying on his back, all four of his limbs spread across in different directions. I tried to keep in my laughter by biting my bottom lip, but it was no use. "Hahaha! I'm sorry, it's just.. the way your positioned" He smirked "Oh really" My eyes widened as I saw the smirk creep onto his face. He stood up and began stalking over to me. "You wouldn't" Dante nodded his head "Oh, I would"

With a twist of my heal, I legged it. "Dante don't you come near me" I could hear his laughter as he sped up. He was much faster than I was, seeing as he is a wolf, and was before me in an instant. The smirk was still on his face as he lunged at me.

Dante pushed me to the ground and began nuzzling mt stomach. "S-stop. It..tickels" Was all I managed to say in between laughter. "Say your sorry for laughing at me. Then and only then will I stop" I nodded and pushed his head away "I'm sorry. Now get off so I can find out where we are" With a final chuckle he got off and I stood up.

"I'm confused Alexis. I thought we jumped off that cliff and.." He trailed off. I nodded "I have an idea of where we are actually" "..Where..?" "..You know I once told you about my 'real' home?" He nodded slowly, probably still not understanding what I meant.

After a moment longer his eyes widened. "No way!" "I think so.." He sat down and what he said next made me laugh "So that's why you look animated.." I fell to the floor clutching my stomach and nodded. "Well, I hope i'm not going to upset you by saying this.. but, you look animated as well" "No! Do I still look like ferocious beast? Please say I do!" "Only you can take something so unimportant and make it important in such a situation" I stated with a role of my eyes.

I glanced around the area once again. Trees surrounded us as well as many bushes. Birds chirped from above and sung to each other happily. I was about to take a walk around when I felt a presence from behind. Dante bared his teeth, his perly white shining in the sunlight. "I know your there, no point in hiding any longer" A chuckled came from behind and I spun on my heels to face whoever it was.

Standing before me, was a man with an orange mask. I smriked, knowing exactly who he was, but asked to not raise suspicion. "Who are you?" He skipped towards me and laughed like a little child. 'Such an act. I don't know how he fools anyone' "I'm Tobi and what's your name?"

I left his question unanswered as I walked over to Dante. He stood back up and nodded for me to get on. I was quite small for a 13 year old and he was larger than a normal wolf. Taking one last glance towards 'Tobi' I smirked "I am not someone you need to concern yourself with.. so far. We will meet again 'Tobi'. Or should I say Madara Uchiha" His visible eye through the hole in his mask widened as I motioned for Dante to run.

One second, Madara was before us and the next, we were long gone from his sights. "Wow Dante. Seems as though you've gained in the speed department just by being here" He chuckled his usual wolfy chuckle "Yeh and I like it!"

The wind brushed past us, making my hair fly all around. "Hey Dante, what do I look like now?" "Well, your clothes are different. You still have black hair, although It's much longer and your eyes.. well lets just say you need to cast a new genjutsu"

My eyes widened "You mean, it's showing? Why didn't you tell me as soon as you saw it! Oh shit! Does that mean Madara saw as well?" "Sorry.. I was lost in thoughts. But, Madara.. he's going to try and find you from now on probably" "Just great" I muttered under my breath "Anyway, just hurry up and cast it. If anyone else saw what you have.." I nodded and cast a genjutsu so that my eyes were an icy-cold blue, just like I usually made them back home.

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