Chapter 1 - Prologue

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A/N Hey guys, another Naruto fanfic. I DO NOT own the anime. But, I would have loved to.. it's the best.

I hope you like my new story and don't forget to:

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Chapter 1 - prologue

The sky was dark, as it was the middle of the night. Many stars were out and the moon shone brighter than ever, in it's full state. Nothing in the forest was moving, all was quiet. That was until a young girl came running through the trees out of breath, panting. The young girls clothes were ripped all over. Her right sleeve had been torn off, showing a metal arm instead of normal skin and bones.

Along side her was a dark wolf with two different coloured eyes. One blue, the other gold. He was much bigger than a normal sized wolf, his head when on all four paws came up to her nose. They both ran with all of their strength, not even stopping when they couldn't go any further. Shouts could be heard from behind. You could tell at first sight that they were chasing after the young girl and wolf.

"Alexis. They're catching up, and fast. What do we do?" The wolf asked through breaths. The girl - Alexis, shrugged "I don't know Dante. What I do know, is that we can't keep running forever" The two jumped over a large bush, only to come across a cliff.

Before they could turn around to run again, however in a different direction, the group who were chasing them came out. The leader laughed as he took many slow steps towards them. "Well, well, well. There's nowhere else to run now Alexis. So, what are you going to do?"

Dante bared his teeth at the man and growled darkly. Alexis seeing this placed her hand on his head, a gesture to calm down. Smirking Alexis spoke up. "What are my choices?" The groups leader rose an eyebrow at how brave and confident the girl was in such a situation.

"Well.. there's 1) You can come back with us, get your punishment for what you did and never see the light of day again. Or 2) You jump and fall to your death. It's as simple as that"

Alexis pondered on the idea of either going through more pain and torture or just dying. She came to the conclusiong that dying would end everything. But, there was Dante. Alexis knew that her death would not make him happy in the slightest.

"Dante.." She started. He nodded "I understand and I will go with you" Alexis' eyes widened in shock. "But, how can you just end your life like that, for someone like me?" He leaned forward and pecked her on the cheek, a symbol of his love for her. "It's because you are like this, that I will. What did we promise each other those many years ago?" A lone tear escaped Alexis' eye and fell silently down her cheek.

"That we will always be together no matter what. That we will love each other only. Never will you leave my side, nor will I yours. We will stand together through thick and thin.. even in death" Dante nodded a smile forming. "Then that is what we shall do" A small smile formed on Alexis' lips as well as they shared their last moment together.

Facing the group of chasers she spoke of her decision with a genuin smile "Well, it seems as though we are to part ways from here on. Tell 'him' that I hope we never meet again, even in the afterlife" With a wave of her hand, she and Dante both jumped backwards. One would think.. how can they smile when they are both falling towards their deaths.

It's simple. They are together.

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