04; Ignoring

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                                           ~ ♥ ~ 

The Heart - Break

hapter ;


The kiss was crazy, It was beyond amazing. His lips were so soft to the point I thought that I was kissing the feather not a guy. I felt completely happy in his arms, and how they were warped around me as if he thought that I would completely break like a glass.

I was a little sad that it was short, because he then pulled away from the kiss, and fainted right away. I was a little crept out, but chuckled when I proceed what happened.

He kissed me.

He kissed me!

The feeling was overwhelming  that I thought that it was my first kiss.

Even though I was happy about the kiss, I started to remember that my body is hurting me. I looked down at him, he was completely unconscious, leaving all his weight on me.

I waited, and waited for someone to come, because whenever I tried to move him, I always failed and that only caused my body to hurt me even more.

Hours later – yes, it took that long – my muscles were crying, and I found a way to put him on the car. But just as I did that, I saw three guys heading towards me.

The parking lot was really empty, and people were still inside partying for their win, I didn’t know how to feel about having three guys coming toward me. I tried not to freak out since they might be just passing by.

“Hey,” One of the said as he stopped right in front of me. He had a long dirty blonde hair, that was tied up. His hair seemed really soft, and it even looked way better than girl’s hair. He looked at me with his blue eyes in confusion. I gave them a wary smile which they returned with a boyish one.

“Hey,” I echoed their words, as I looked around, hugging myself.

“Don’t be scared, we won’t do anything,” I felt my cheeks burning because they read my mind. “We have seen you a lot lately with John, but we never really got to know you.” He narrowed his eyes at me as if I was a puzzle.

“Oh, my name is Jasmine.” I mumbled, frowning.

They nodded their head, and cast a look at John behind me. “So you are his new thing?”

“What?” I said slowly. They snapped their heads at me, blinking a few times before looking at each other. “What? What do you mean?”

“Nothing!” One of them, that had black hair, said cheerfully, actually, it was way to cheerfully to be believed. I felt that it was wrong, that there was something wrong going around here, they spoke, looked, and even smiled in the wrong way, as if they were mocking me, or saying some secret joke that I was the only one that didn’t understand.

And I hated that feeling.

But I shrugged it off, right now, wasn’t the time for me to get angry, or upset over nothing, my mom would flip if I got late – more than I was now.

“Can you take him?” I pointed at John with my thumb. They nodded their heads, and started carrying him to someone’s car. I scowled as I watched them. If John was going to be gone with his friends, then how am I going to go back home?

“I will drop you off.” One of them suddenly mumbled. I hadn’t noticed him before, and I only noticed the other three. He was cute, and that was the only way I could describe him, he had a beautiful brown hair that seemed to flawlessly stay in its place without getting messy. He also had a small dimple as he smiled a little at me, and a really warm brown eyes.

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