"You are so dead," I glared at Sean and Dean as they guiltly hid an empty water bucket behind their back and I sat soaking in my bed.
I scrambled out of my bed and crouched a bit, ready to pounce. "I would run if I was you," I warned and just missed them as they high-tailed it out of my room.
"Get back here you monsters," I yelled. I flew down the many stairs and into the kitchen. There were people gathered on the couches around the TV with their breakfast while others were sitting at the table in front of the kitchen. There many faces turned in my direction as I ran after the twins like a mad women. They jumped over the kitchen bench so they were facing me as I was on the other side, my back to the small dining table. More of our pack came in, some with sleepy expressions, to see what the comotion was about. We circled around the bench with the onlookers wore amused expressions. We had now swapped positions so I was facing the dining table. I growled at them as they grinned. I jumped but got barely a metre of the ground before I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist, grounding me. I pouted as the twins ran to hide behind some pack members, so I couldn't get them. Not that I actually could as the arms were constricted around me. But I tried anyway. "Let. Me . Go," I growled as I use my weight to thrash in the persons arms.
"Can't do that," a deep voice and in my struggles I couldn't work out who it was. My leg instinctively came up, in between the persons legs and their arms slackened as his dropped to the ground, groaning in pain. I ran over to the twins, the pack members parting much to the anoyance of the twins, and I hit them over the heads and on their chests hard. The complained as the hits became harder. I smiled smugly when I stopped and they winced, rubbing their heads. "Don't do it again," I warned and they nodded their heads.
"When did you get so strong?" they muttered, and I grinned. I turned to see who had stopped me, only to see Gorden gasping as he got up, holding his private parts, glaring at me. I smiled sheepishly, "Woops!"
He stayed silent, his stare always on me. I walked forward, arms out, for a hug. "I love you," I tried.
He grunted, hugging me, "You are so lucking I love you too."
I smiled and gave him a kiss on the lips, which he gladly returned. When he pulled back he gave me a confused look. "Why are you wet?" he asked.
It was then I looked down, remembering I looked like a drounded cat. "Ask the twins," I answered turning in his arms.
Gorden sighed, "What did they do this time?"
"Oh, they decided to become my new alarm clock," I said glaring at them," and the bad part is I can't set them, they just come in, tossing buckets of water on me, when ever they feel like it," I finished throwing my arms up in the air in annoyance.
Our audience chuckled at my rant, even Gorden.
I turned my head looking at him, "Who's side are you on?"
I could tell he was trying to hide a smirk, doing a terrible job at it.
"Yours, always yours," he said then lent over so his breath tickled my ear, "just ignore them."
I shivered as his hands ran along my sides, down to my hips, and nodded.
"Good," he said straightening up, "Can everyone gather around," he yelled so people up stairs could hear him, even though the probably could even if he didn't. Soon we heard heavy footsteps come down the stairs and soon all 148 of us were squished into the room. Gorden kissed my cheek and walked over to the kitchen table where he grabbed a stool and stood up on it. I lent against the wall, intruged on what he was going to say. He always told me everything but he never said anything about call everyone together.
"Alright, listen up everyone," Gorden called causing everyone to imediantly go silent. "As some of you know, there has recently been a major attack by rouges on packs just outside our state. There were many deaths and the survivors injured," at this there were many intakes of breaths, "It is assumed that the rouges aren't going to stop and will move onto other states." He sighed deeply and ran a hand through his brown hair, "It is because of this that I decided for the safety of our pack we will move in with another pack and work together with them." Murmurs erupted around the room as I stood there shocked. How could he not tell me this? "When?" a women, Kassandra, called.
"Most likely tomorrow," Gorden answered.
What pack?" a boy my age, Ken, called.
Gorden looked over at me pained. Why? Unless... Oh no no please don't say...
"The GreenWood Pack," he said softly as he stared at me.
It felt like my world was crashing down, just when everything was better. I shoved past the people around the door, and ran through it, ignoring the voices calling me back. I was almost out the front door when both my wrists were caught. I struggled against them but they held tight.
"Please don't," Dean said.
"Don't go," Sean continued.
"Let go," I growled tears running down my face. But they shook their heads. I sighed, and then did something they didn't expect. I gripped their forehands which made me get confused looks from them. I quickly flicked my arms so they crossed behind my back, causing the twins hands to hit each other hard. "Ouch!" they exclaimed, the grip loosening slight and that was all I needed. I twisted around, my arm going around my head, so I stood facing them, hands still together. I jumped up and moved my legs out, kicking there stomach enough for them to fall, but not enough to hurt them, before landing neatly back on them. They looked at me shocked before I turned and sprinted out the door. "Bree," they yelled, trying to make me come back, but I ignored them. I ran out the house and around the back. I knew that about 1km away we had a gym that I spent my time in the past 8 or so mouths, not that anyone knew. No one in our pack really used the gym but it was always there incase. You might be wondering why I didn't shift. Well you see, I haven't changed yet, but we don't know why. Gorden is leading towards the fact that Austin rejected me but other wolves have been rejected and could change. I shrugged it off and sprinted to the gym. Once I got there, I quickly ran inside and grabbed a pair of training clothes I always hid in there. I put on my sports bra and shorts and walked over to the punching bags. Memories of my past kept flashing through my mind and I didn't like it. I punched, kicked and shoved the bag with all my might. After a while I had sweat pouring down my face and back and my musles were protesting with every moment. But I kept going until I dropped with exuasion. I literally crawled over to my drink bottle, drinking it in gulps. Once I was done I laid still until my numb legs regain feeling again. With a groan I stood up, grabbing my t-shirt to put on before I got home, and exited the gym. I walked back towards the house, letting my mind wander to anywhere and anyone who had nothing to do with my past life. I adventually made it back to see Gorden passing the kitchen and the twins sitting down, their knees bouncing, through the back glass sliding doors. Even from the back the place looked huge. With 3 stories it seemed endless. The whole bottom floor had glass sliding doors at the back, letting you see in, while the other levels had big scattered windows, one for every room. I slipt my t-shirt on and started walking towards the doors. Gorden suddenly stopped passing, and slid the door open with almost enough strength to shatter it. He sprinted over to me, pulling me to him tight. He nussled his head into my hair, breathing me in deeply. "I thought something happen. I thought you ran away," he whispered. I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed him, "I would never run away," I stated and he pulled away kissing me. I was quickly ripped away by someone else to be quickly enclosed in a hug by two people.
"We were so worried," Dean and Sean said together. They pulled away so I was arms length away, their hands still on my shoulders. "Are you hurt?" they asked inspecting me. I shook my head and they all sighed in relief.
"Don't do that again," Gorden said reaching for my hand. I grasped it in mine and nodded as we walked in with the twins behind us.
We walked in and Josh came into the room. "Oh, Thank god," Josh said running up to me pulling me to him, "You're back. Are you alright?" I nodded as I hugged him back. I kept having to push back what was going to happen tomorrow but no matter what I can't get what he said out of my head. 'You a fat pig that can barely fit through a door. I would never love you, and no one ever will'. Those words have haunted me for 2 years now and they weren't getting any easier to digest. I hadn't really thought of them the past year or so but now they were coming back hard with what was going to happen. I nodded slightly in answer to him question. He kept an arm around my shoulder but turned so we were facing the other 3. My stomach rumbled lightly but I knew they heard by the smiles on their faces. "Everyone just got their dinner tonight the kids wanted to go to bed and some others went out. So we have to fend for ourselves," he said. Usually everyone who lives here has dinner together. There are around 100 of us here, the rest live around here and their with their mates and family. "Okay," Gorden said walking over to the kitchen looking in the fridge, "What do you guys want?"
'You a fat pig that can barely fit through a door.'
I shrugged out of Josh's hand and said quietly looking down, "I think I'm just going to go to bed, I'm not hungry."
"Taylor, you have to eat something," Dean said as Sean, Josh and himself went to sit on to stools that were on the opposite side of the bench to Gorden. My eyes welled with tears from the circle of words but I turned around so no one could see me.
"I'm not hungry," I insisted, and was about to leave when I felt Gorden grab my wrist and turn me around. He cupped my face carefully, his sad and worried eyes boring into mine. "Please don't do this, B," he whispered like he was in pain.
"Do what?" I mumbled.
"Please, I'm begging you. You just got back, don't turn around." He stroked my hair lovingly.
My tears fell and he wiped them away.
I nodded numbly and he pulled me to him. I saw the others look on sadly over Gorden's shoulders.
"What would you like?" he asked me, kissing my forehead.
I shrugged walking over to sit between the twins.
They both put an arm around my shoulders and came closer so I was sandwiched between them.
"Mac and Cheese," they cheered and I laughed weakly along with Josh's and Gorden's full laughs.
So that's how we spent our last night here for a while. Eating, laughing and messing around.
The next morning I woke to someone gentally shaking me.
"Mmhhh," I groaned, slapping their hand away and snuggling deeper in to my warm cloud of a bed. I heard a deep chuckled then felt someone's breath on my cheek. He kissed it lightly before saying, "Do I have to bring the twins in?"
I shot out up in bed shaking my head. "I'm up," I mumbled to Gorden, "I'm up."
"Come on," he said,"We have to get moving and you haven't packed your clothes."
I looked down at my lap as I thought about what was happening today. "Do I have to come," I pleaded, "I can stay and protect the house?"
With a sigh Gorden came over and knelt in front of me. "I'm sorry, Bree. I really am. I understand how hard this must be but I'm not leaving you behind. You mean so much to me and the pack and you have to come."
Tears welled in my eyes as I looked up at him. "I don't know if I can do it," I whispered.
"You can. And you have us all to help you."
He pulled me to him and held me. We stayed like that until he order me to pack while he check the rest. I put all my clothes into 3 suit cases, knowing that I wouldn't need anything else as the stay wasn't permanent. I hope. I got a change of clothes for today and walked to my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My legs were thin along with my arms. My many hours in the gym tone them a little but didn't show how strong I really was. I was small with amber wavy hair tumbling down to my waist. I had defiantly changed from my frizzy hair and chubby bones but I had a very hard time doing it. Let's just say Austin's words had their tole on me.
I jumped into the shower and put the water on hot. The droplets stung my skin slightly with heat but it had a relaxing feel over my mussels. Once the water ran cold I slipped out, wrapping a white fluffy towel around me. I sighed, closing my eyes from the softness. I slipped on a pair of marone ripped shorts with a floral printed collar tank top tucked in. I looked into the mirror not in the mood to do anything with my hair or face. My slightly tanned skin was normally clear and I had long eyelashes that coated my emerald eyes. I was about half the weight I use to be but was it enough? I kept telling myself not to listen to Tristan's words but what if everyone that saw me thought, "Oh my, that girl could loose a few pounds."? I turned to the side looking at my waist then my butt. They didn't look to big, did they? I sighed and slipped out my room, with my three cases in hand. I put them at the from door before joining the others in the kitchen. It was mayhem in there. People were having breakfast as others ran around finding last minute things. I smiled picking up an apple and went to find Gorden. I looked outside to see him getting everyone's bags into different cars, ready to move. I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his neck. He turned around shocked but he smiled when he noticed it was me.
He turned in my arms, wrapping his around my shoulders. I rested my head on his chest, looking to the side as everyone put their bags in cars.
"How's everything going?" I asked tilting my head to look up at him.
"Good, love," he answered kissing my forehead, "Are you packed?"
I nodded with a frown and he smiled sadly. "I'm sorry," he whispered.
I shook my head. "You did what's best for the pack," I shrugged.
"I love you," he lent down and kissed me.
Gorden and I got together about a year ago. He picked up the pieces of my broken heart and made me feel wanted. I wouldn't have made it through my... would you say my rough period if it wasn't for him.
"I love you too," I smiled.
"Are you taking your bike?" he asked and I nodded. "Well, grab you stuff and put it in my car. Do you need help?"
I shook my head with a small smile. If only he knew how strong I was. I'm not sure why I never told them about me going to the gym. I guess I was worried they would tell me to stop. I shrugged my thoughts off and walked to the door piling up my stuff. I took two in one hand and one in the other as I headed back out. I saw the twins and Josh over near Gorden and once Gorden saw me he ran over. "You need help. They look like heavy bags."
I shrugged, they felt like feathers. "No not really. They're pretty light."
Josh and the twins came over.
"Tut..tut, B," Dean said, "You shouldn't be lifting so many things."
"They're light for heaven sake," I exclaimed.
They shook their heads and Dean and Sean took one from each hand. As soon as they left my hand, into theirs, it hit the ground. They grunted as they tried picking it up again. "Holey crap girl. What are you on?" Sean said as he struggled to pick his up. I laughed as they continued to walk to Gorden's car panting as I skipped ahead. They stopped half way and I turned to see why. They both had their hands on their hips, chests visibly rising and falling, looking at me weirdly. I put my bag down and crossed my arms over my chest, feeling uncomfortable. "What?" I asked.
Josh and Gorden came up behind them, eye-brows raised. "What's going on?" Josh asked.
Dean nodded towards my bag, "Gords, go lift her bag. Josh you lift this one," Dean ordered.
Gorden came over confused. He picked up my bag and grunted at the weight as Josh did the same. I rolled my eyes, "You guys are weak," I muttered but they all heard.
"Hey, we are not," Josh said.
"How the hell did you lift three of them?" Gorden asked incrediously.
I shrugged," They're not that heavy." they all scoffed.
"Not heavy," Dean asked shocked, "We are grown men," I rolled my eyes but he ignored me, "and we struggled to lift them."
"I work out," I said indifferent. I don't get the deal.
"I'll say," Sean said, "Could you also explain how you knocked us both down yesterday?"
There was a pause. "What happened yesterday?" Josh asked.
"We had a tight grip on her arms behind her back when she ran away. She twisted around kicking us at the same time and escaped."
They all turned to me with their eye-brows up.
"I've never fought," I said truthful, "Must of been a fluke," I lied. I knew I could fight, I just never had.
"Try me again," Dean said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a grass patch.
"Why?" I complained.
"Come on. Give it a go," he insisted.
I sighed. Cats out of the bag now. May as well role with it. It could be fun seeing their face.
"Fine," I gave in, "but if I hurt you don't complain."
I crouched down ready as he roles his eyes before following. He attacked first, flinging his arms in attempt to his my side. I jumped out of the road and dance around him. We circled around eachother for a while. He ran at me, faked left then went for my right side. I anticipated his move, moved my forearm up to bloke his atack while using my left leg to kick his unprotected side. He winced, and skipped back.
"Dame, you can kick," he said not moving his gaze from me. By now we had quite an aundiance. I had also worked out he favored his right side, and knowing this worked to my adavatage. I moved forward as he did, meeting him half way. He brought his right leg out, aiming for my middle. I gripped his legs
and flipped it, before knockin his bottom leg out from underneath him. He toppled to the ground and I jumped on his back. I gripped his arms and twisted them so they were behind him. He trashed trying to get out of my grip but I held strong until he stopped, showing submition. Everyone clapped as I let him go. He smiled before pulling me into a hug. "That was awesome," he whispered in my ear ad I laughed.
"You're not upset about being beaten by a girl?" I teased.
He shock his head. "You are the only one I don't care about losing to." he grinned and I grinned back.
I won my first fight. Wicked!
I turned to the guys and they all had shocked expressions.
Once Sean snapped out of it he grinned challengingly. "Let's see if last night wasn't a fluke. See if you can take on two of us," he said pointing to Josh who nodded.
I gave them an unsure look. Two grown men?
"They won't hurt you," Gorden said, but under it it was an order for them not to. "To win, you have to have both of them on the floor."
I walked back to where I stood before, still unsure.
The two of them stood next to each other grinning. "Give it your all," Sean taunted.
I crouched as they did and we started. We walked towards each other and I saw Josh trying to get to the other side of me. Sean reached out, punching my head, but I ducked under and swiped my leg under his feet which he neatly dodged. Because of my distraction I now realise that Josh was on one side with Sean on the other. I jumped back as Josh went for a kick and ducked as Sean went for another punch towards my side but wasn't as lucky as he mad full contact. The air came out of my lunges in a rush and Sean hesitated, as the crowd 'ohh'. I used that to my advantage lifting one leg up but throwing the other one to make contact with his chest, a sissor kick, pushing him over. I flung my arm to block Josh's punch and lifted up my right leg as he went to kick that one. Sean was back on his feet and I managed to punch Josh full in the face. By now my side ached but I ignored it as I saw Sean nod at Josh. Sean was about to punch the top half of my body and I saw Josh's leg get ready so swipe my feet from beneath me. I ducked slightly, making it look like I was about to fully duck Sean's hand. But instead I ducked slightly and at the last second grabbed Seans hand before Josh went to kick my legs. Using Sean's hand to get me more hight, I jumped up, pushing his hand down hoisting me up. I let go and shoved my legs out to eitherside, kicking them both enough for them to fall flat on the ground. They groaned and I rested my hands on my knees, gripping my side as I gasped for breath.

Deep Cuts Always Scar
WerewolfTo be rejected by your mate is hard. Harder then it sounds. When you spend all your life, wishing for the one person to love you unconditionably and for it to turn out your not 'pretty' enough for them, is probably the most painful thing to go throu...