Chapter 7

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My muscles ached. I watched Bree as she continued her push ups. Dean crouched down beside her. He whispered something but she continued. He tired again but this time she got up, her face furious. It looked like she was out to kill. She charged through the crowd and I ran to catch up. "Where are you going?" I asked.
She threw my hand off her and continued towards the forest. Before she went in I just heard her say, "A run."
She ran off and I watched her go. I turned and glared at Dean. "What did you say?" I growled moving towards him.
"Hey," he said putting his hands up in surrender, "I told her to stop because she was going to hurt herself."
I took a deep breath to calm down. Someone put their hand on my shoulder and tingled shot through me. I turned and smiled lovingly down at my mate. "What happened?" Bell asked. I loved her so much. She was my everything and yet I have only known her a day.
I shrugged pulling her to me, "I don't know," I answered helplessly.
Everyone had left except Josh, Sean, Dean, Austin, Tim, Bell and I. it was about 5 minutes since Bree left when Austin stiffened. "Somethings wrong," he stated quietly.
Not seconds later I felt Bree enter my mind. "Gorden," she groaned painfully and I winced at the pain in her voice. What was going on?!
"Bree! Bree! Where are you? What happened?" If something happened to her I don't know what I would do.
"I'm half way around the track I ran this morning," She gasped then a scream erupted from somewhere in the woods "Everything hurts, Gorden."
Everyone looked at me as my face held pain.
She was changing. "Shit!" I exclaimed, "We'll be there soon," I told her. I looked down at Bell. I kissed her forehead telling her to go inside. She reluctantly walked away as we heard another scream. That caused me to snap and I sprinted towards her. I felt all of them hot on my heels as I pushed faster. "What's going on?" I heard Dean ask.
"She's shifting," I whispered.
Admitting it out loud made me push harder. Why now? She hadn't changed for 2 years and we leave her alone for 5 minutes and she changes.
"That would explain why she was so angry," Sean said, "her wolf was trying to come out."
I nodded knowing there was more to why she was angry than that but at the moment I didn't care. We finally got to her and I sprinted over to where she laid. Her body was twist and turned as she whimpered, tears running down her face.
"Shh..." I cooed, "It's alright. I know it hurts but it won't be long."
The sound of her bones cracking and her now weak screams filled the silent forest. I stepped back knowing she will most likely change soon and it would freak her out if I was next to her. We all sat and watched as her body twisted abnormally trying to take it's new shape. I looked down at my clock and realized it had been 15 minutes since she started changing. That wasn't right. It usually takes a maximum of 10 minutes and even that's rare. Obviously her 'mate' was thinking the same thing.
"Why is it taking so long?" he asked and I had to give it to him, he sounded like he was suffering.
None of us answered, because in all honesty no one knew the answer. We all sat there hopelessly watching B go through the most agonizing part of her life.
I felt helpless and I knew everyone else did. There was no way for us to help her.
By the twenty minute mark her bones finally started to take shape. Not long after her change was finally over. Yet none of us could have guessed the ending.
She was a small pup, like all werewolves after their first change. What set her apart from everyone was her fur. Usually a werewolf has a maximum of two colours. Those colours were shades of gray, red and brown and only the alpha was ever fully black. For example, Josh was a sandy brown with darker brown paws while the twins were a mid brown body with gray tipped ears and paws. But Bree, she had it all. Her paws and ears were midnight black but her body had slashes of different types of brown, gray and red. I looked at my mates with wide eyes, to which they mirrored. She couldn't be. I was quickly distracted when she whined and shook her fur from where she laid of her side. She rolled onto her front and tried getting up, but quickly face planted. She huffed and shook her head. I chuckled. I quickly stripped changing into my wolf form, so it wouldn't freak her out. I walked over to her, and nussled her stomach, pushing her up, ignoring the growl coming from behind me. She got on her four feet, wobbled then toppled over. I chuckled and heard laughter from behind me. It took her 5 minutes to master the technique of standing up. Once she stood, she tried taking a step and got the same results as her first try at standing up. We went through the process again and 15 minutes later she was walking, running, jumping, you name it. I sat on my hines as she caught sight of a butterfly. She crouched then pounced missing it by a mile. She scrunched up her eyes in a frown like gesture and kept jumping up and down, trying to grasp the butterfly, for it to fly just out of her reach everytime. It was amusing to watch and I looked up at my pack mates, Tim and Austin. They all stared at her, a small smile on their lips and their eyes filled with wonderment and awe. The twins changed forms and ran over to them. They played around, tackling each other. Well... The twins poked her with medium power and she toppled over and then she would jump at them and they just pretended to fall with her, so she wouldn't hurt herself. I heard Austin growl again and that pissed me off. I changed back, shoving my shorts back on, to glare at Austin.
"What the hell?" I yelled at him.
"What?" he counted.
"Don't you dare growl at them," i said threateningly.
"She's my mate," he said stepping towards me.
"Oh really?" I asked stepping forward until we were right in each other faces, "Well from what I heard, you didn't say that 2 years ago."
His head hung guiltily and he stepped back. "I know," he whispered broken.
We sat in silence and I thought about what Bree was. You see, Bree wasn't just a werewolf, she was special. She was like the human queen, like royalty. Her fur was made up with all the colours possible for werewolves, bringing them together as one. She was the one, that supposedly , kept peace, kept love and kept us werewolves alive. Her heritage was the reason we had no rouges back then, she was a desendate of one of the very first leaders. What shocked me the most is that she soundn't exsist. The 'royal' wolves are gifted, and each generation gets the previous generation's gifts as well as a new one. This is because every generation brings more of us. People made it there mission to destroy all royals a hundred years ago and there was a major war between the royal's loyal wolves and those who had turned against them. It was a brutal slaughter. But adventally it was said all royals were killed. But Bree's existence says something different. If people found out, some may saught to kill her.
"What are we going to do?" Austin asked quietly.
"I don't know, what me and MY pack will do," I growled, "you have no claim on her. You have no idea what she has been through the past 2 years because of you," I glared at Austin and Tim, and they flinched like every word I said slapped them, "I don't see any reason for me to let you help as you were gone when she needed you most. But what is even worse is that you are the reason she needed help. Give me one good reason why I should let you help?" I challenged.
Their heads hung in shame and I took that as my answer. I was turning around when I heard Tim say, "Because, even though we were stupid, selfless barstards back then, being without her made us grow up. We had no idea what we had until we lost it. And in my defense, I honastly didn't believe that Bree was Austin's mate. I, along with just about everyone, assumed Harriet was his mate. But also, look at what she is, Gorden. I don't know how but she is a royal. If you are going to keep this a secret, see'll still need protection if it gets out. And last time I checked, two strong packs is better than one."
Darn, he had a point. I looked over at Bree as she grinned wolfy and pounced on Dean, knocking him over, he didn't even pretend! My strong girl. I sigh. What was I going to do?
"I'll talk to her about it. You guys made her life hell, along with a lot of your pack, so I'll see if she will let you. I hate to admit it, but your right," I said defeated.
I saw them smile out of the corner of my eye but kept my gaze on Bree.
"Thank you," Austin said.
We had to get back, I thought. I wolf whistled the three playing looked at me. "Can you come over here?" I asked. Bree pranced over with the twins just behind her. She laid down and rolled onto her back, eyes shining in excitment, her tongue flopping out her mouth as she panted from exustion. Not to sound like a girl, but that is probably the cutest thing I've seen. I smiled, crouching down next to her and rubbed her belly. She did a wolf version of purring making me grin. I looked up to see that twins were back in human form with Josh, looking down at Bree adoringly. Then I saw Austin switching his gaze from the four of us, who he glared at, and Bree, who he looked at lovingly. I looked back at the twins. "Can you guys go and grab some blankets or towel to cover Bree with. We have to cover her fur, so no one knows what she is." They nodded and ran off. I sat cross legged in front of Bree who came and fitted her self neatly in my legs, her head on my knee.
I smiled, stroking her head, until her eyes started to droop. Austin looked at me with jealousy written all over his face. "Shouldn't she be doing that to her mate?" he asked.
I sighed, which I seem to be doing a lot of. "When you rejected her, though she hadnt changed, you hurt her wolf. On top of that, her wolf has been harmed with the things that happened the past years so she isn't ready to forgive you knowing you caused herself and Bree pain."
He nodded in understanding. Good. I looked back down at Bree to see her sleeping peacefully. She will most likely be able to change in the morning but seeing as she surprised us with her changing time, it could differ. The twins soon came back and Dean came over, wrapping her gentally in the blanket. He then efffortlessly lifted her into his arms, letting me stand up.
"Let's go," I said, motioning everyone to forward. I followed after with Dean. Once we got to the edge of the forest I stood in front of Dean. I quickly looked over the blanket that cover Bree, making sure you couldn't see what was underneath. After tucking in a few section I led the way quickly up through the pack house. It was dark out so people were either in their rooms or away, out at a party or for dinner. That made it a whole lot easier to slip Bree up the stairs and into her room without anyone seeing. We all filed in and Tim locked the door behind him. Dean placed a wolf Bree down on the big bed and I sat down next to her. I stoked her head, as I worked out what we were going to do. The twins and Josh came over and sat down, making a circle around her. I sighed as my mind came up blank. I guess we'll just have to make sure no one sees her, until we talk about it. I gently got up and they all turned to me.
"I think we should all go to bed, and when she changes back, we'll talk. She has a say in this as well," they all nodded, "Okay, Dean and Sean can you change into wolf form and sleep her, with her. Make sure the door stays locked and no one, under any circumstances, comes in. The rest of us, let's go," I ordered and headed to the door. When I pasted Austin he grabbed my arm. I looked up at him and he looked pained, "Can I please stay here? I'll sleep over in the single bed, I just can't be away from her at the moment."
I sighed, nodding. I have been away from my mate for an hour and I miss her dearly. I don't know how he did it for 2 years! He sighed in relief and thanked me. The rest of us left and headed to our rooms. I went to find Bell and ask if she'll sleep with me.

Okay, so thins is the next chapter, what ya think???

I decided for the next upload i want 6 votes and possably 2 comments. So if you want the next chapter then:


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