Chapter 15

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Next day

When I woke up , it was already half past noon. The moment my eyes snapped open from my deep slumber, I still found my phone in my hand clutching tightly as if my life depended on it. I might had been too fatigued to even move in my sleep.

I unlocked my phone to see whether I got any text or call from Jungkook but not surprisingly there was non. I was worried to death about him but as I knew that he wouldn't answer any of my call, I texted him.

To: Jungkook
You ok ? Do you mind to explain what happened last night ? I hope you are doing fine.

I tapped on the send button then hopped up from the bed to refresh. When I came back from the washroom, my phone was glowing , notifying me that I got a messaged. To my surprise it was from Jungkook.

From: Jungkook
I'm completely fine but last night Taeyeon twisted her ankle so I had to rush back to my room.

That's all he wrote. No apologies for ditching me but at least he's fine and bothered enough to explain what exactly happened. I decided to text him back.

Im glad to hear that you are doing  fine. But I'm sorry for Taeyeon. I hope she gets well soon.

After changing my dress in to something decent to wear, I went to one of the restaurants in this hotel to have lunch as it was already lunch time. After that I bought some fruits then headed toward Jungkook's room.

I knocked on the door ,waiting for the door to be opened. Taeyeon got the door and she was kind of taken aback to see me.

Taeyeon said"Hi. I'm sorry Jungkook not in room right now. I could tell him whatever you wanted him to say."

With a tight smile I replied "actually I haven't come to Jungkook. I came to visit you" then I hold the fruit basket in front of my face to show her. She was bewildered to see me but she let me in.

I handed her the basket then sat on the couch where she gestured me to have a seat. "That's so nice of you to visit me. Thank you " she said with no hint of sarcasm.

It was awkward for me to communicate with my husband's girlfriend but I used to know her as k as my colleague so I shouldn't feel awkward.

"How's your ankle?" I asked her as I took a glance at her partially swollen red ankle.

"It's better than yesterday but it still hurts. It's ok, it won't take much time to heal" Taeyeon said while holding her clothes and putting on her carry on.

We were supposed to get back Korean by tomorrow. Seeing her pack reminded me of packing my own.

"I hope your wound heal faster. "

She nodded as a reply. "Do you wanna have some drinks ? "

I shook my head. "So you started packing your luggage ?" I could clearly see what was she doing but to continue the conversation I asked her.

"Yeah, I have to cuz I'm leaving by tonight " she said with a frown on her face.

"But why tonight? You could have go  with us tomorrow to head back to Korean." I asked. It's not like that I actually wanted her to come with us but for being nice I asked her out of courtesy. Sometimes society forces use to say something even if we don't want for the sake of humanity.

"Oh I would love to but you know my duty starts form tomorrow so,I gotta go. " she said with a sad smile. Thank God she wasn't coming with us otherwise I would have deal with the more awkwardness again.

"I will go now then. Take care and say hi to boss on behalf of me " I said as I waved her.

"Sure. You take care too. " she said.

I was about to turn the knob when abruptly Taeyeon summoned me. "Wait. I have something to say. " Taeyeon imminent me slowly.

I stood there facing her,waited to continue. She finally approached me. "You know I'm extremely sorry for being Jungkook's girlfriend for despite  the fact of you being married to him, but I'm  still in relationship with him. You know I tried to even breakup with him but he wouldn't let me off and I also love him so we couldn't drift apart. I'm extremely sorry if I ever hurt you unintentionally."  She bowed to me. The shock took over me as I didn't expect any apology from her. Rather I awe an apology from Jungkook who had been repeatedly hurting me.

I putted a saccharin smile. "You don't have to apologise me. You have done nothing. You know it all depends on Jungkook so he's at the fault and even I didn't ask for your explanation." I said with forced laughter.

But she didn't to seem to buy me. "But you have the complete right to know about it. If I were in your shoe , I would definitely demand for an explanation. I just wanted to stay clean from it so I told you'

" Thanks for understanding me. I will get going then. Bye" I bide farewell quickly then rushed toward the beach to clear my mind.

It had always like this. Running away from my problems. But I have never asked her for the explanation of their relationship. Taeyeon was  a kind hearted women,down to earth and she was surely beautiful. She  had big brown eyes and a raven straight hair and a petit body to swoon any guy. There was no reason for Jungkook  to not to fall for her. But she was too good for him. I wished I was more like her. Only then Jungkook would have at least spared a glance at me.

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