Chapter 19

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As soon as I set foot in the office , I darted toward my boss's room. On the way to his room, many people congratulated me on my marriage. Only for few minutes before it was late for me to get into duty, I made it but I was a total mass.

I knocked on the wooden door lightly.

"Come in~"

I got access to his room and strode toward his desk. "Good morning Mr. Kim." I bowed as I greeted him.

"Oh it's you, Sungmi. Good morning. How are you ?Its been a long time. I have missed your work"

Mr Kim was the person who took me in his company when I was just an intern. From then on he had been a good boss and he took a good care of me. Kim Namjoon could be the best leader with his intelligence and talent. He's the reason why I could have a long holiday. For many people one week could be nothing but for working people like us it's a long vacation.

"I'm fine thank you sir. How about you?I hope I can make it up for you the work I couldn't do"

"Oh, I forgot. You got married right ? Congratulations , Mrs Jeon. "He said as he chucked.

"sir don't call me Mrs Jeon. I don't like it. "I whined.

"Oh no, then thats what I'm gonna call you from now on " he joked. He had a deep dimples for which whenever he smiled or laughed , his dimples would be shown and I'm sure any girl might fall for him any time.

I was sulking when he said " I have already sent your scripts at your desk

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I was sulking when he said " I have already sent your scripts at your desk. Go check them. "

"Ok then I will be leaving sir. Have a nice day. "

"You too".

I went back to my desk and plopped myself on the chair. I couldn't even start working and already I felt like the day was coming to its end. This is all Jungkook's fault. No, actually the fault was in me. If I hadn't agrees to ride with him, he wouldn't have the chance to bash me. I made a mental note that I will never ride Jungkook's car in my life.

When I sat on the chair , I noticed that a bouquet of white rose was placed on my desk along with the script. For a mere second I thought that it was Jungkook who sent me roses. But quickly I dismissed the idea of him sending me flowers. How could I even expect a guy to send me flowers when he forcefully dragged me out of his car ?


I took the bouquet and examined the flower. There was a small note in between a pair of flowers. I took the note then read it.

"Congratulations on your wedding, Mrs Jeon. "

By now I understood who sent me such a beautiful flowers. I was admiring the flower when a deep voice startled me.

"You like the gift ?"

He was leaning against my door frame, linking his arms around his chest. Quickly I got up form the seat then bowed him.

"Thank you so much Taehyung Sunbae. I really like it "

"I can't believe that you got married so early. You are still a fetus.I would like to know who married a baby like you. " he chuckled.

"Sunbae, please"

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"Sunbae, please"

He really likes to tease. But he had been always a good sunbae to me. When I got into this company, first I worked under him. There was nothing regarding work that he hadn't teach me well. He's a good mentor. Actually I knew Taehyung even before I joined the company. He was a senior students of the university that I attended. From there I knew him and he took care of me like his younger sister. I wish he stopped looking at me in such a way. The thing is I had a crush on him ever since I was in the university. He's a funny, charming , easy going person and even too much friendly. There was none in this office who didn't love him. He was basically the mood maker of the office. He have got the looks and talent. Like who wouldn't like him ? But unfortunately I haven't confessed to him and I didn't even plan to now as I already got married.

The saddest part about him was that he had a history with Taeyeon. I wonder whether Jungkook knew about her ex.

He placed a file on my desk.

"Check it out for me, ok Mrs Jeon?" He went back to his room after ruffling my hairs lightly. God why are you doing this to me? You know that I'm a married woman! Then why are you making me hard to resist sunbae ?


Here goes pics of namjoon and taehyung in formal dress so that you can imagine them at Sangmi's office.

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Can I work with them too ?

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Can I work with them too ?

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