Wanting and Knowing

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It was dark. It was also cold. I had no idea where I was.

"Zodiac" A voice called. It sounded familiar . Sad and some what in pain. Wait I remember.

It's that stones voice.

I looked around for a person, or creature, or well anything that could be speaking to me, but I the darkness I found nothing.

"Zodiac" Someone or thing called out from the darkness, but this tie the voice was different. It wasn't sad nor in pain, but it was familiar.

"Zodiac" I called again "Please, wake up". Ezra. That's who the voice belonged to.

"EZRA !" I yelled bolting up in the bed I was in.

"Hey Z, calm down you're safe now" Ezra said to me softly pushing me back down to a laying position.

"What happend the last thing I rember was the rock, then-" I wasnt't able to finish because an un-holy yell erupted from my body.

"Kanen" I saw Ezra yell into his comm "It's happening agian". Withen the next twenty seconeds Kanen, Hera and Zeb came running into the med bay. Kanen came over to me and placed his hand above my heart. Once again my eyes began to glow and in the next twelve minutes my eyes had gone back to normal and my heart stopped glowing, well stopped glowing to a degree. Once my breathing calmed down and Kanen stepped away from me I looked towards Ezra and asked in the weakest wisper.

"What the hell was that ?". Everyone looked at one another before Hera replied.

"We honestly don't know , but its been happening for weeks"

"Once it happened for three weeks while we were at mandalore" Ezra finished. I looked around and then asked.

"Has my dad called at all ?" recalling our last holo-call.

"No" Hera said looking towards the ground "But we did try to get him to come with us" she finished. At that statement I gave a soft laugh. That soft laugh turned in to crying. The next thing I knew I was full on sobbing.

"WHY IS HE SO FUCKING STUPID !" I yelled to no one. "FOR ONCE CAN HE JUST STOP THINKING ABOUT OTHERS " I yelled again. "And just" I chocked out this time "Just". Suddenly two warm green arms wrapped around me.

"Hey hon it's gonna be okay" Hera softly said to me. I looked her dead into her eyes and asked.

"How do you know ?".

"I don't " she responded "But I hope. All we can do now is hope".

"I hope" I spoke back "and I've been hoping for years, but he still doesn't see".

Hera looked at me in confusion then asked "See what dear ?".

"That I don't want a protector" I responded "I want a dad". After that statement I looked around and saw everyone looking at us with sadness.

"Rest" Kanen spoke breaking the silence that had set across the room "I need you ready for travel by tonight".

"Why ?" asked Hera.

"Because I know some one that can explain what's going on" Kanen said looking at Ezra. "And no you can't come with us".

"But Kanen-" Ezra began.

"No Ezra" Kanen said sternly "Not this time, just go with Hera and Zeb for Wedge's mission I'll tell you about it once you get back". I could see that Ezra still wanted to come with us, but as if seeing he had no choice he left the room after Here and Zeb.

"Where are you taking me ?" I asked looking at Kanen.

"To a friend of mine" He responded "Now rest"

-------------------TIME SKIP------------------------

I woke up in a speeder with wind blowing in my face. Looking around I could tell this was not one of the places me and Ezra explored. Thinking back to his reaction to just me and Kanen coming here I began to wonder If Ezra avoided this place on purpose.

"Morning kid" Kanen said to me seeing I was awake. "You woke up right on time, were here" he finished pulling into a crater of some sort. In front us was a very large almost unnaturaly large piece of the reef like plant that grew around the planet.

"Is your friend supposed to meet us here ?" I asked recalling the reason we left the base in the first place.

"Close" Kanen said back giving me a mischievous grin.

"BINDU !" He yelled into the open area we were in. I looked at him as if he had gone completely mad, like what or who was he yelling at. Suddenly the reef plant began to move and in doing so reviled some sort of creature that resembled a water bison.

"Kanen Jarrus, jedi knight" The creature said looking down at us "What, yet again, brings you?".

"Tell him what happened Zodiac" Kanen said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"A rock or stone of some kind stabbed its self into my heart and-" I began and like earlier a scream from another world came from my body. Kanen was about to help me again but the Bindu I guessed his name lifted his hand as if to say no. I layed there enduring the burning pain for about five minutes before I heard the stone's voice once again, but this time it spoke aloud. Through my skin.

"Ah Bindu, what do you require of my young master" It said through me.

"Dorian" Bindu said to me, well rather the voice coming out of me "Is he the prophecy's chosen prince ?".

"What the hell is in me" I weakly wined out with tears rolling down my face. The rest of the conversation between the bindu, Dorian, and Kanen was a blur as I was in too much pain to really listen to anything let along understand.

"Zodiac, hey kid" Kanen called shaking me softly. "Its over, you alright ?". I looked at him and tried to respond, but all that came out were a bunch of pained gurgles. Kanen sighed and picked me up bridle style then walked over and placed me into the back seat of the speeder before getting in himself. It felt as if it took a longer time to get to the base than earlier in the day, but I was sort of enjoying the color changing sky as the son set on the sea like planet. While looking at the sky I began to sing a song that my dad had sung to me when I was sad or really angry at myself.

"Hush now my baby, be still love don't cry" I began "Sleep like you're rocked by the stream". "Sleep and remember my last lullaby" I began to tear up at this part "And I'll be with you when you when you dream". "Drift on a river, that flows through my arms. Drift as I'm singing to you" Kanen must have just stared to hear me singing, because the speed of the vehicle began to slow down to barely a hover. As if to listen. "I see you smiling, so peaceful and calm. And holding you I'm smiling too". The speeder came to a complete stop at this point. "Here in my arms, safe from all harm. Holding you I'm smiling too." I finished crying softly into the seat. The speeder began to move again and all was silent except for my soft sobs in the back seat and the low hum coming from my heart.

"Goodnight young prince" The voice said to me. And sure enough, I fell asleep.


I gripped Ezra's hand as the figure loomed over me and his unconscious body.

"Rest" The figure said "I promise you'll need it soon enough".

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