"Well would you look at that, Kallus got his on little alien" Zeb said just after the doors closed behind Hera.
"The door closing doesn't mean he went deaf Zeb" Kanen said obviously talking about are thin walls. As those two, and Sabine, had there own conversation I was sacning my thoughts for how the hell Kallus got Zodiac as a son, I mean what species is he even.
"Where the hell did Kallus get that boy ?". Hers said taking her seat clearly just as confused as all of us. Wow I must of really been out of it not to hear Hear cone in, but the look on Sabine's face said I wasn't the only one who was totally out of it.
"I say he took him from a rebel family when he was still a loyal imperial" Sabine said looking to the cealing.
"Or took mercy on him during an imperial plant take over" Kanen said adding his input.
"Maybe he found him, like in the streets" I said. Now it was my turn to be stared at in a confused manner. Zeb looked down in his eyes I could see he as well was remembering the picture. He was so thin, dangerously thin, and too small for his age. On top of that he was covered in mud, scrapes, scratches, and bruises.
"Zeb you saw the photo he was basically dead in Kallus's arms". Zeb slowly shook his head after I spoke.
"Kid that would make sense, but logic of time doesn't fit that. In order for him to think Kallus is his real dad he would have to have found him while still being pro-impreiel". Zeb looked at me not needing to finish what he was poking at.
"Kallus changed didn't he and the way he was living didn't really scream 'I support the empire' did it. Plus in top of those two facts Kallus told us that he go the secret imperial bases, top secret imperial bases to get information for us". After that remark I walked out of the cockpit and down the hall to me and Zeb's room. Running my hand over my buzzed hair I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to at least enjoy some of this crazy morning.

The Son Of Kallus
Fiksi PenggemarKallus has always kept secrets form those who don't need to know about them so it just seems right that his son is never mentioned in any of his conversations. But, when Thrawn starts to becomes cirous as to how the rebels are learn more about secre...