Kallus has always kept secrets form those who don't need to know about them so it just seems right that his son is never mentioned in any of his conversations. But, when Thrawn starts to becomes cirous as to how the rebels are learn more about secre...
I woke up and hour before the time dads 'partner' was supposed to arrive and was in the small kithen chowing down on a granola bar and doing some hacking excrises. I was almost into the computer's 'heart' when.
"Hey kid, you in there ?", a gruff sounding voice said throug the door.
They must be out of their minds if they think they can just pound in peoples doors this early in the morning. So being to good boy I am I went to the door to greet my guest.
"Can you please tell me just what went through your insolent heads when you thought 'HEY lets loudly bang on the door at fucking what four in the morning " I gently to the person I front of me and putting on my most pristine smile. Stareing back at me was a lasat and a human boy who looked about a year older than me, both had looks of shock on their faces. The boy was the first to speak,
"Oh, um we didn't mean to cause any comotion, it's just a friend of ours, Kallus, sent us to pickup his son Zodiac. Do you happen to know where he is at the moment ?". Yeah its not uncommmon for people to think me and my dad aren't related I mean look at me:
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I know what the heck right, like how are we even related beca-
"So do you know where he is ?" this time it was the lasat turn to speak,also while beakng my train of thought.
"Yeah, your looking right at him"I responded looking at their faces to see their reaction.
"Listen kid, where secirous" the lasat spoke firmly.
"Yeah so am I buddy" I shot back like a true smart ass. I could tell nither still belived me so I activated my wrist holo and slid in a disk from my pocket, it took a seconed to find to memory I was looking for but I did.
"See look", I pointed to the picture of dad holding a baby me drenched in rain. Looks of understandment sowly filled the eyes of both human and alien.
"Sorry for the confusion I'm Ezra and this" Ezra said pointing to the lasat "is Zeb".
"Zodiac" I said turning off the holo and hauling me backpack onto my back and putting on my helmet. Locking the doo to the house and putting the key in my bags side pocket I turned to Ezra and Zeb.
"So we gonna go ro what". Both stared at me for another seconed or two before turning and leading the way.
------------------TIME SKIP---------------
I took two hours. Tow bloody hours to get a ship called the 'ghost' I learned in the odd game of 'you ask I ask' we had going on. When we arrived a twi'lik woman greeted us at the already open ramp. The same look of disbelife was on her face as she saw me.
"Guys I think you grabbed the wrong kid" she spoke. Her voice reminded me of fire warm and soothing, but dangrous when mad.
"Nope, names Zodiac nice to meet ya" I said gving a fake salouite. Her eyes still carried a look of non-belife.
"If that's true, then your father wishes to speak with you"with that she turned around and lead me to what I had to guess was the ships cockpit. A a man with something on his eyes and a teenage girl sat across from one another and look as to have been sapeking until we walked in.
"Um Hera" the teenage girl said to the twi'lik I had to note was named Hera, "Aren't we supposed to be taking in Kallus's son ?". Oh my god how many times am I goign to anwser tis question today.
"Yes and that's who he claiming to be-"
"I AM HIS SON !" I yelled cutting her off. There's one thing to be confused, but no one and I mean NO ONE tells me who I'm related to. Zoning back into reality I realised all eyes were on me. Not wanting to seem weak I simply asked:
"Can you please just conntect my dad ?".
Hera nodded still looking shook about my little out burst. She typed in a few thing then punched in a code then my dads face showed up.
"Z what's wrong, your eyes look like oil", every time I'm about to cry my eye like to really water up and look like droid oil.
"Noting dad" I said wiping my eyes "Just tell them I'm you're son so they can stop asking the same damn question". I heard my father sigh before speaking,
"Yes this is my son Zodiac, I hope he has not caused too much harm he is very sensitive about that topic". I spun my head around and shot my dad a 'shut up' look before he and Hera started having their own conversation.
"My name's Kanen since names are in order" the man with , now that I could see clearly was a duo-eyepatch.
"And I'm Sabine", the girl was speaking this time
"Good to know you all" I spoke still a little ways upset.
"Okay honey" Hera said disconntcting my dad from the holo and turning around, "Looks like you get your own room until Kallus himself joins too". She gestured for me to follow her down a hall which had a fair share of dents and paint sprays here and there. Down at the very end of the hall was a door that unlike the other doors opened up - down instead of left - right. The room was bare, just a simple bunk bed and work desk.
"Not much, but usually I leave it up to you to make It you own" once that was said Hera left me alone to my self. I walked inside the room and dropped my backpack after the door closed. I slid off my shirt and loosend my pants as I made my at toward the bunk bed. I got on the top one knowing dad likes the one on the bottom and fully took my pants off and threw them onto the floor. Once I was in nothing but my underpants I got into fetile position and let sleep consume me.