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Niall held onto my hand as we walked down the city board walk with ice creams cones in our other hands; I felt Niall watch me eat it, since it was my first time with ice cream and chuckled when I tried to take a bite of it but cringed at the coldness in my mouth.

"You lick it hun." He said starting to eat his.

"I knew that." I stated and starting licking my ice cream still making a mess on myself; I heard Niall sigh and look at me, "Can't take you anywhere."

He licked his thumb and wiped the strawberry off my face making me giggle, "You're weird."

"You say that a lot." He said; I just shrugged it off as we continued to walk. Once we finished out ice creams I wiped my sticky hands on my pants and pouted when I made a stain on them.

"I'll wash them for you." Niall said.

"Thanks." I smiled at him; I looked around trying to take in where we are but then something caught my eye; something hidden behind rocks. I let go of Niall's hand and started running towards it hearing Niall run after me telling me to slow down.

I started to run threw the grass there but stopped feeling something pulling me down; I instantly turned around to see I've made a bunch of roses and some of them were caught on my shirt; I pulled them off and looked at the roses I made. They were all different colours, there were red ones, pink ones, white ones, and purple ones. I smiled widely.

I pulled the roses off my shirt; feeling my hand get small prickles from them which made me whimper in pain. Wait; where's Niall?

I looked around and couldn't find him anywhere; I pouted and started to walking around shouting his name.

I kept walking around; feeling my feet start to hurt from all the walking so I sat down on a bench. There was a stone thing with water pouring out of it. I think it's called a waterfall? I watched the water and started looking around more till I felt a hand on my shoulder making me scream and turn around.

I smiled when I saw it was Niall and hugged him tightly; feeling his arms go around me. "Where were you?"

"I stopped running when I saw you making roses. I guess this is your meadow, it's hidden behind a few stones and no humans come here. It doesn't even have a show up on maps." Niall said getting up and going to the water fountain I followed him.

I stuck my hand in the water and the small pricks started to heal; it was like the water was the same as my healing tears. I took note of that.

"It's so beautiful here." I said, "how did I make those roses appear though?"

"Beats me. Probably another power you didn't know you have. Do you think you can do it again?" Niall asked.

"No I can't even create a bubble. I guess it just happens randomly."

"I don't think it happens randomly, you'll figure out how you do it soon I believe." Niall said looking at me then rubbing my back.

"Wait doesn't Louis have futurevision? Can't he tell me how to do it?" I asked.

"His future vision only helps him make choices." Niall said, "he doesn't know how you activate your powers."

"Oh." I said looking at Niall, he moved my curls out of my face to stare at my eyes then his eyes moved to my huge rose outline on my neck.

"It's pink." He said.

"Yeah the colours change depending on my mood. I don't really understand them but I know red means love and black means angry." I said "the black one rarely shows I never get angry."

"That's cause you're a cutie." Niall said holding my chin; he pecked my lips, I liked it when he did that. "My cutie."

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