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"God damn it Gee, you bought the wrong mouthwash again!"

"Maybe if you weren't so picky about which brand and flavor I'd be more likely to give a damn!" Gerard retorted back at his younger brother, unable to help the small giggle that escaped him when he heard the pained groans coming from the bathroom shortly after.

"God damn that's worse than ghost pepper hot sauce, I swear to God." Mikey hissed and spit again, hating the stinging burn left on his gums and tongue even for several minutes afterwards.

"It's not my fault you have such a sensitive mouth." Gerard snorted as he entered the bathroom too, sticking his tongue out at Mikey before checking his shaggy hair in the mirror.

"That's not what my boyfriend said last night." He chuckled darkly and Gerard made a noise of disgust, then muttered a 'what boyfriend?' under his breath as he adjusted his jacket.

"That's cold." Mikey laughed softly before looking down at Gerards outfit and sighing, putting his hand on his brothers shoulder. "Gee, your shirts on inside out again. And," He looked at his feet, "Your converse don't match."

Gerard looked down and saw the faded dots of stitches lining the collar, then the frayed edge of the annoying shirt tag he had cut off when he first bought it. He looked at his shoes which looked symmetrical, light gray, but obviously were two different colors in a normal person eyes. He groaned and left the bathroom for his own room, cracking the door so he could fix his mistakes.

When he turned it outside in and pulled it over his head, he heard a soft knock on his door and sad, light colored hair peak in.

"Gee, is there something you're not telling me?"

He sighed and turned back around to get his jacket, pulling that on, too.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Mikey took a few more steps into the room, his arms crossed over his chest and a worried expression on his face. "Your doctor said-"

"Mikey, I don't give a fuck what my doctor said." He snapped unexpectedly, taking Mikey by surprise in a definitely negative way. "I'm sorry man, I just.." He sighed again and turned away, furrowing his eyebrows. "I'm afraid, Mikey. I just don't want to lose my independence."

"Gee, look at me." Mikey said quietly, and he complied. "I can see the color in your irises fading. I know it's getting worse. And, to say the least, I really fuckin worry about you, man. If you don't tell me what's going on, like your doctor said you should, everything can just randomly go dark one day and you could be in danger. Gee, you won't lose your independence, you'll just need to be a little more dependent on me, you know? And maybe that's not such a bad thing."

He looked back down at his sheets and softly nodded, raising his eyebrows when Mikey pulled him in for a hug. "Love you, bro." Gerard nodded and hugged him back before pulling away, patting his shoulder softly. He turned for the door, but Gerard stopped him.

"Wait, Mikey?"

"Yeah Gee?" He turned back.

"Um, could-could you help me find matching shoes?" He asked, almost ashamedly.

"Of course I can." Mikey smiled and chuckled softly, walking to Gerard's closet, seeing the rather small variety of choices. "You only have five colors, Gee."

"I know I know but they all look the same. Except for black, the black ones are a little darker than the rest." He let out an airy laugh, which Mikey returned.

"So, black, red, gray, blue, or yellow?"

"I have yellow ones? Ew." Gerard chuckled awkwardly.

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