Chapter 2

115 8 2

Dan's POV

*at the end of the day*

The bell goes in the corridor and I stand up, shoving everything into my bag, and run out of the door. I run out of the school gates and start heading towards my house. I wasn't running because today was bad. It was actually quite good. Well, as good as school can get. The best thing was that I wasn't bullied. Every time I turned a corner I flinched, expecting someone to push me over or punch me. It never happened. I even made some friends. Something I've never had before. I was running because of my dad. He'll kill me if I'm home later than four.

 As I turn onto my street I see a tall blonde guy leant against a lamp post. He turns to look at me. Oh no! It's him! I turn around and run in the other direction. I'll have to go the long way home.

Walking through the front door of my house, I bump into my dad who's stood blocking the doorway out of the porch.

"You're late," he growls.

"Sorry dad," I say quietly.

"How many times do I have to tell you to get you to STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!"

"Sorry John," I say even quieter, earning myself a hard slap across the face.

"Say it louder boy!"

"Sorry John," I say louder.

"Good. Now get to your bedroom and prepare for your punishment."

I run up the stairs, not wanting to make him any angrier, and into my bedroom. Dropping my bag into the wardrobe, I sit down on my bed and kick my shoes off and into a corner. I hear my dad's heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and across the landing. He barges into my bedroom and instantly pushes me back on the bed and starts punching me in the stomach and face.

 Pretty soon I have a nose bleed and my stomach and face are hurting so badly I think in going to explode. My dad doesn't stop though. He carries on hitting me. I feel myself start to cry. I know it only makes it worse but I can't help it.

 "Crying like a little baby now are we, Daniel?" he says, placing his hands around my neck. I try and stop crying, realising what he's going to do if I don't, but I just can't. It's all too much.

He starts to squeeze his hands together, chocking me. Soon, I can't breathe at all. He holds me like that for a few more seconds before letting me collapse back on he bed, panting.

"I hope that's taught you a valuable lesson for life. You. Are. A. Worthless. Piece. Of. Junk," my dad says as he leaves my bedroom.

 I stay laid on my bed, crying. The pain feels like it's increasing. After the pain subsides a little bit, I lift myself up off my bed and stand in front of my mirror. My face is covered in bruises and cuts and my eyes are red and puffy. Slowly, I limp over to my desk and open the draw. I pick up the sharpener blade and roll up my right sleeve. I press the blade against my skin and make a long cut right up to my elbow.

 The blood starts coming out instantly. I let it fall for a few more seconds before grabbing a tissue and dabbing at the cut tentatively until the bleeding's stopped.

A/N: Sorry it's so short! If I try to write for long periods of time I struggle to make it interesting! Pwease don't kill me xD Thanks for reading this! I love you guys!

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