Chapter 4

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Dan's POV

Looking into his stunning blue eyes, I smiled. He shook his head slightly to dislodge his blonde fringe.

 "Are you okay, Dan?" He asked with a look of concern.

 "Yes, of course I am," I replied, smiling widly. "I've actually never been better." He smiled back at me, biting his lip in the cutest way possible.

"You're gorgeous, Dan. Don't ever forget that," he said, reaching up and brushing my fringe away from my face before leaning in for a kiss.

 "So are you," I said, breathlessly after we had broken apart again.

 Suddenly, his phone beeped loudly, indicating he had a text. He picked it up and read the message.

 "I've got to go now," he told me. "I'll see you at school, yeah?"

"Yeah," I replied, nodding. "Bye Jason." He stood up and walked from my room, leaving me staring at the door he'd gone through and wishing he didn't have to go. I loved him. I loved him so much.

Phil's POV

 I had to drag myself out of bed that morning. I really didn't want to go to school. Although, I normally didn't want to go to school, this was different. I thought I had a friend, or at least someone who actually cared about me but now he's just going to ignore me because everyone was saying we were a couple. I couldn't deal with that.

 After getting dressed and eating a slice of toast I left the house and made my way to school. Just as I walked through the gates, I noticed Dan with his friends. It looked like they were all laughing about something. Me, probably. I bet it was all just a joke to spite me. The tallest one in the group, Jamie I think his name was, saw me and said something to the other three before laughing even harder. I looked down at my feet and carried on into school.

Dan's POV

 Biting my lip to try and stop the tears, I stood with Jamie, Chris and PJ outside the school building. They were laughing at me and I hated it. I moved schools to stop being bullied.

"You are SO gay!" Jamie accused. "I can't belive you stuck up for Lester! I don't even know his first name." All three of them started laughing at me and making further accusations.

"Phil," I said quietly. They stopped laughing

"What?" Chris asked, looking confused.

"His name is Phil." That set them off laughing again. It was becoming increasingly difficult to hold back tears.

"Oh look," Jamie said, looking at something behind me. "There's your boyfriend, Dan. Why don't you run crying to him? I doubt he'd be able to help you but you might as well give it a go!" They all laughed harder at this and I resisted the urge to look round.

"He's not my boyfriend," I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh really?" PJ laughed. "We don't believe you." I couldn't take it anymore. A tear escaped and ran down my cheek but I turned away before they could see. Never let the bullies see you cry. That only feeds them. I walked away quickly until I couldn't hear their taunts anymore.

 Once I got into school I made straight for the nearest bathroom and locked myself in. The tears soon began to flow freely, gushing out of my eyes and blurring my vision. I wished I'd brought a blade to school because the itchy feeling in my wrists was becoming unbearable.

A/N: Heyaa! Just a quick update for y'all cause it had been FOREVER! So sorry about that guys I have a lot of stories on here so I guess I just forgot about this one and I've had a lot of writers block. I've also just been really busy with school and personal stuff I'd prefer not to talk about. I know this chapter is super duper rubbish but I didn't know what to write I'm sorry :'( Anyways let me know what you think about this chapter and again I'm so sorry for the long wait. Also, if I don't update before then (and I doubt I will) MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Byeeeezzzzzzzzzz


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