Chapter 6

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Trigger warnings: rape & self harm.

Dan's POV

I was sat on the sofa with my phone in my hand, scrolling through my twitter feed. I heard a knock on the door and got up to see who it was.

"Jason!" I exclaimed after opening the door and seeing who it was. "What happened to you? I've been calling and calling but you never picked up!"

"Oh I lost my phone," he told me, waving his hand as if he didn't care about how worried I was. I stood aside to let him come into the house and shut the door behind him when he did. We walked through the living room together and I sat down but he remained standing. Something was different about him.

"You can sit, you know?" I said, patting the sofa beside me. He ignored me completely.

"Are you parents home?" he asked.

"Yeah." He was clearly disappointed to hear this. Something was definitely going on. "Why?"

"You're coming to mine," he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me up forcefully.

"Why?" I asked again.

"You'll see." He had started to sound very seductive and I was getting worried. I wasn't ready for that yet.

"Um, a-actually I kind of have to stay here and help with dinner," I lied. His face turned angry and I backed up slightly, feeling myself shrink before him. I saw him smile at my fear.

"I''m sure your mum won't mind. It's only half three anyway." I knew it was a bad idea to say no again so I simply nodded and shouted to my mum to tell her where I was going before following him out of the door.

As we walked along the street, Jason grabbed my hand and I had to use all of my willpower not to pull away from him. I was terrified of what might happen when we reached his house. When we reached his front door he pulled his key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He let me in before him and closed the door behind him.

"My mum and dad aren't home so we're all alone," he said, leaning forward to whisper 'all alone' in my ear seductively. I tried my best not to squirm visibly.

"S-so, what did you bring me here for?" I stuttered, struggling to keep the fear that bubbling up inside of me to myself.

"Follow me." He began walking up the stairs and to his bedroom and I followed. I tried to convince myself that he loved me and that he wouldn't force me to do anything I didn't want to do and that he wouldn't hurt me.

Once we were in his bedroom, I noticed his phone sat on his desk.

"I thought you'd lost your phone," I stated, walking towards it. He stayed at the door and completely ignored what I'd just said. Pushing his blonde fringe away from his eyes, he started unbuttoning his shirt and walking towards me slowly.

(A/N: RAPPPPEEEEEE!!!! Don't read it if you don't wanna!)

As soon as I saw what he was doing my eyes widened in shock.

"Are you ready, Dan?" he asked in a low tone that scared me to death.

"N-no," I said. He acted as if he didn't hear me and carried on walking towards me. "I-I'm not ready. P-please d-don't." It didn't seem like he was going to give me choice.

When he reached me, he pushed me onto his bed and pushed my black t-shirt up my torso and over my head, throwing it on the floor behind him once it was off me. I tried to escape from beneath him but he was holding me down.
"We either do this now or we're over," he growled, his face so close to mine our noses were almost touching. I couldn't believe my ears. Was he really saying that? I thought he loved me. He told me he loved me.
"I g-guess we're o-over then," I said, choking down the tears that were threatening to appear. Never cry in front of the bullies, Dan, I told myself. Jason looked shocked to hear me say that and I used that to my advantage, slipping out from underneath him and running, leaving my t-shirt on his bedroom floor.
I ran back through his house and out onto the street. It was dusk and there wasn't many people about so I wasn't worried about being topless. I was more worried about Jason catching up to me. I began to run in the direction of my house but before long I was out of breath. I stopped running and leant against a lamp post to catch my breath.
"Hey, Dan," I heard from behind me. I froze. It was Jason. He grabbed me before I could escape again and spun me around to face him. "I wasn't really giving you a choice." He dragged me into a nearby alleyway and threw me against the wall. I tried to scream for help but he covered my mouth with his before I could make a sound.
Unlike times we'd kissed before, this kiss was horrible. His tongue was right down my throat, making me gag. He began to undo my jeans, never once breaking the kiss, and pushed them and my boxers down to my ankles. He did the same for himself. A panicky feeling was rising up my throat, making me choke. I needed air. I needed to escape.
Jason broke the  kiss and looked down, a wicked smile spreading across his face before he spun me around so I was facing the wall. He pressed his body against mine and I began to scream again, only reminding him to gag me with his hand. I knew what was going to come next...

  I woke up screaming and drenched in sweat. The memories of what Jason did to me had never left. Once I had stopped the impending panic attack, I picked up my phone from my bedside table and looked at the time. 4:30. Slipping out of bed as quietly as possible, so I didn't wake my dad, I opened my desk draw and got out a blade. It gleamed in the small beam of light from a street light that was coming through a gap in the curtains. I looked down at my wrist. In the small amount of light, I could just see the gashes that this blade had done to me before. I placed it against my wrist and pressed down until the pain was satisfactory before dragged it in a straight line across my wrist. Blood started appearing from the cut I had just made. It came out as if it was being squeezed. I grabbed a tissue out of the tissue box that was sat on my bedside table and dabbed up the blood until it was all gone. A new mark had joined the others.

A/N: Well this was just a chapter of triggers. OKAY OKAY I KNOW THIS HAS BEEN AGES IM SO SORRY!! I promise I didn't forget I've just been writing it for a while and only writing a little bit at a time. Also this is a horrific chapter I feel evil I'm so sorry Dan. I'd say hopefully it won't be too long until the next chapter but who am I kidding it'll probably be ages (sorry). Anyways hope you like this chapter (actually no I don't you're pretty sadistic if you like this chapter). BYEEE


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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