Chapter 3

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Dan's POV

 "Hey Dan!" I heard as I walked into school the week after. I hadn't seen Phil at all since that first day and I was getting worried about him.

 "Hi guys," I replied, walking towards my group of friends; Jamie, Chris and PJ. Jamie was tall and blonde with striking green eyes and quite big lips.

 Suddenly, I heard a scream coming from behind me and spun around quickly to see what was happening. I could only see a massive crowd of people that had gathered to see what was going on so I immediately ran towards them. I pushed through the crowd to see Phil lying on the floor, kicks and punches being thrown at him from all directions. He had stopped screaming but was whimpering quietly.

 "Help," he mouthed when he saw me. My eyes darted around to the bullies that were causing the torture. They were all bigger and much stronger than me; I had no chance. Deciding on what to do, I forced my way back out of the crowd and faced my friends.

 "Chris," I shouted, "go get a teacher!" He tilted his head and raised his eyebrows.

 "Why?" he said. "No one cares about Lester."

 "I do!" Jamie, Chris and PJ all laughed and I ran towards the school building to find a teacher.

 "Sir! Sir!" I called when I finally saw a teacher. He turned around to face me, a look of annoyance clear on his face.

 "Yes, Daniel?"

 "There's someone being beaten up outside!" I almost shouted. The look on his face turned from annoyance to shock and he followed me as I ran back outside towards Phil.

 "GET AWAY FROM HIM NOW!" the teacher shouted as soon as we reached the area. The whole crowd went silent and slowly backed away from Phil, including the bullies.

 "Thank-you," I heard Phil whisper.

 "You, you and you," the teacher said, pointing at the three bullies, "Principal's office. Now!" The three boys turned around and walked towards the school building, followed closely by the teacher.

 "Are you okay?" I asked Phil, crouching down beside him. He shook his head and I noticed the pained expression on his face. I heard sniggering behind me and turned to see Jamie stood over me.

 "Look at them," he cooed sarcastically. "Don't they just make the perfect couple?" Everyone who was still stood around watching laughed and I blushed. I wished we were actually a couple, never mind a perfect couple. Looking back down at Phil, he gave me a weak smile which I returned.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry that it's been so long. I just want to give a massive shoutout and dedication to @Perfabulous for caring enough to remind me with a comment. Thanks so much to you all for sticking with me. Love you


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