Here We Go Again

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"Girls? Are you nearly ready?" Sam calls upstairs to Ellie and Poppy who are frantically packing for Hogwarts.
"Erm... getting there!" Poppy yells back.
"They're here! Hurry up!" Sam says impatiently.
"Alright! Bloody hell!" Ellie rolls her eyes. When they're all packed, they leap down the stairs, eager to see their friends after so long.
"Finally! So, are these the infamous Weasleys?" Sam says, smiling. Ellie and Poppy had told him all about Hogwarts. Well, almost everything.
"Yep! Sam, this is Ron, Ginny, Arthur, Fred, and George." Ellie introduces, purposely switching the twins around.
"Nice." Fred whispers with a wink.
"Alright, you'd better be off then. I'm perfectly happy for you to go if you love it so much. And nothing dangerous happened last year, did it?" Sam says.
"For the thousandth time, Sam. No!" Poppy says innocently.
"Alright. Come here." He says, wrapping the girls in a hug. "Off you go."
"Bye Sam!" They call as they exit.
"Now, I think we need a little catch-up time, don't you think?" George says to the girls.
"Definitely." Ellie replies. The twins says nothing. Abruptly, they lift each of the girls off of the ground, twirling them around in mid-air before wrapping them in a warm embrace.
"Missed you." They whispered into the girls' hair.
"Missed you more." The girls replied.
"Come on! I'll bloody throw up if you keep that up!" Ron says, gagging.
"Why, 'cause you're three years old?" Ellie mocks.
"Yes, Ellie. As a matter of fact I am." He replies, scowling.
"Come on, you lot." Arthur says, shooing them all into his little blue car.

"We have arrived!" Fred announces.
"Ellie! Poppy! Come on in, dears! It's lovely to see you both!" As always, Mrs Weasley greets them with a loving smile - one that never seems to leave her face. She approaches the girls, hugging them tightly. "Tired?"
"Just a little." Poppy says.
"Alright. You'll have to sleep in Fred and George's room, is that alright?" The girls nod. "Boys, show them to your room so they can get some sleep."
"This'll be fun." Fred whispers to George who laughs. "Follow me, darlings." He says, making the girls laugh.
They all dart up the stairs. When they arrive at their room, the twins open the door and suddenly pick the girls up and haul them onto their shoulders.
"What the hell, George?!" Poppy squeals, laughing.
"Put us down!" Ellie exclaims, giggling loudly.
"Patience." Fred says. "One, two, three!" Both of the twins count down, and on three they throw the girls onto the beds. Fred seems to throw Ellie a little too hard, since when she hits the bed she goes flying back upwards before thudding onto the wooden floor.
"Oh, Merlin! Ellie, are you alright?!" Fred exclaims, worried for the girl. When they approach the girl, however, she's clutching her stomach, cackling madly. Poppy does the same on her bed.
"Night, ladies." George says, chuckling. Fred switches the light off and they both exit, gently closing the door behind them.

"Guys! Wake up! Come on, we don't have much time!" Poppy and Ellie are shaken awake by the twins.
"Ugh, what?" Ellie groans.
"We have to go and save Harry! His uncle and aunt have him locked up!"
"No. We need sleep. Do it yourself." Poppy says firmly, her head still buried in her pillow.
"What she said." Ellie agrees, pointing lazily over at Poppy, 'accidentally' hitting Fred in the face.
"Fine, but if we die, we're blaming you." George says, and they hear the door close yet again.

"Morning, Pops."
"Morning, El." The girls wake up of their own accord, golden sunlight spilling through the windows.
"Let's go downstairs, I smell breakfast." Poppy says dreamily. Ellie chuckles and follows her downstairs.
"Good morning, girls!" Molly sings when she sees them. "Breakfast'll only be a few minutes."
"Smells amazing, Mrs Weasley." Poppy says, smiling.
"Thank you, dear." She says. "Sit down, it's nearly ready." The girls do as they're told, taking a seat beside each other. All of a sudden, the front door bursts open, revealing a rather dishevelled looking group of boys. Mrs Weasley's sweet persona immediately transforms, and her eyes suddenly flare with anger at the sight of them.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Her sudden raised voice makes everyone jump out of their skin. "Oh, Harry, dear! How wonderful to see you." She says sweetly again before turning to the others. "No note! Car gone! You could've died! You could've been seen!" She booms, yet again turning to Harry. "Of course I don't blame you, Harry dear."
"They were starving him, Mum! They put bars on his window!" Ron argues.
"Well, you'd best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!" She growls, taking a deep breath to calm down. "Come, it's time for a spot of breakfast." Everyone obeys, warily eyeing the woman as they do so. "Ellie, Poppy? Did you know about this?" She asks.
"What? Pfft, no, of course not!" Poppy exclaims.
"Yes, absolutely no clue." Ellie adds, both of the girls putting on innocent smiles.
"Alright, dears."
They had just sat down for breakfast when Ginny,there younger sister, came sprinting down the stairs. "Um, mummy have you seen my jumper?"
"Yes dear it was on the cat!" Poppy let out a little snigger and George just looked at her. She simply mouthed later and carried on with breakfast. The last thing she saw was Ginny running out the room with an expression that resembled.... shock maybe?
"What did I do?" Harry asked
"Ginny, she's been talking about you all summer, it's quite annoying really." Ron answered
"Ron don't say that about your sister, it's cute that she's eleven and has a crush. Any way she'll soon get over it she'll be seeing him everyday for the rest of the year, she'll soon find out how annoying he is." Poppy scolded. Ellie laughed and gave her a high five and all Harry could say was "Hey, I'm not that bad!" Poppy just laughed and shook her head
"Harry, in her defense you did almost get us killed last year." Ellie defended. Harry looked down, he knew there was no way he could beat these two girls, especially when their working together. The girls high fived in triumph and had a smug look on their faces all through breakfast.

It was about five minutes later when Mr. Weasley came in rather cheerful. "Morning Weasley's.
"Morning dad." The boys chorused
"Morning girls."
"Morning Mr. Weasley." The two girls replied
"What a night, nine raids, nine!" He carried on.
Harry looked to Ron with a rather confused look on his face, "Raids?" The girls also looked to Ron for an answer. They never really knew what Mr. Weasley did for a living.
"Dad works in the ministry of magic, misuse of muggle artefacts office, dad loves muggles, thinks there fascinating!" He answered for us. Poppy was still unclear but decided to just nod and pretend she knew what was going on, much like she did in class. By the looks of things, Ellie wasn't to certain either and just copied Poppy's movement. Molly began to serve her husband breakfast. "Well now," he began when he suddenly turned to Harry looking like he'd seen a ghost! It was a great face to see first thing in the morning. "And who are you?"
"Oh sorry, sir, Harry, Harry Potter, sir."
"Lord, are you really." Now he looked somewhat impressed. "Well, Ron's told us all about you of course, when did he get here?" He stated as he began to eat his breakfast. Molly turned around with a disapproving look on her face "this morning," she answered. "Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night."
"Did you really? How did it go." Mr. Weasley seemed impressed and exited but that soon changed when molly turned around and smacked him round the back of the head.
"I mean that was very wrong indeed boys, very wrong of you!" Harry and Ron looked at each other with a smirk. It was obvious he didn't mean it and it was obvious that not many people took Mr. Weasley seriously.
"Now Harry, you must know all about muggles, tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?" Ellie and poppy began to snigger at the end of the table but stopped when the twins elbowed them. Truth be told, they had no idea. For once, they turned to Harry for an answer. "Ohh, um," to be fare Harry didn't have a clew either but luckily he was saved by the squawk of Errol the owl delivering the Hogwarts letters. "That'll be Errol with the post." Molly stated and with that he flew into the window. "He's always doing that!" Ron said as Percy went to collect the post.
"Ohh look, it's our hogwarts letters, they appear to have sent us Poppy, Ellie and Harry's."
"This lot won't come cheap mum," George began, "the spell books alone are very expensive." The girls opened their letters. Bloody hell! How on earth were the Weasley's supposed to afford all this. The girls turned to each other, both wearing the same expression.
"Well manage," stated Molly. She really was good woman. "There's only one place we're going to get all this," the two girls had a grin across their faces "Diagon alley."

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