Voices In The Dark

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The day had been long, hard and tiring and every one was ready for dinner. "We'd better go to detention." Ron said looking glum.
"That you deserve. I'm amazed you weren't expelled! Now go before you're late and they make it two weeks of detention!" Poppy scolded.
"Bye guys." Harry and Ron chorused before going their separate ways.
"They earned it and yet they're surprised! Did they actually pass any exams last year?!" Poppy commented thinking about how stupid the boys were acting.
"Firstly Harry acts surprised about everything so that's nothing new and secondly, Harry and Ron were too busy flying a car to actually turn up to any exams!" Ellie commented, sarcasm lacing her final sentence.

Poppy, Ellie and Hermione had left after an exceptionally good meal to go and find the two boys before heading to bed. First, they went to the transfiguration classroom to meet Ron then headed to DADA for Harry. As they turned a corner they saw a rather freaked out Harry. He began to talk about something that made no sense to the others.
"Did you hear it?" Harry questioned quickly.
"Hear what?" Ron asked, panic clear in his voice.
"That voice!" Harry answered him.
"Voice, what voice?!" Hermione also beginning to panic.
"Too many questions, get to the point." Poppy interrupted clearly getting frustrated.
"I heard it first in Lockhart's office, then again just...." Harry trailed off. His eyes widened as he said "It's moving, I think it's going to... kill!" With that he began sprinting down the corridor. Poppy and Ellie looked at each other in bewilderment before taking off after him.

Harry came to a sudden stop causing Ellie to run into him and knock him over. "Sorry." She said slightly embarrassed as she helped him up, pastel pink streaks fading into her hair. It was then they noticed the water that covered the floor. "Harry slow down and stop making me run, you git. I did enough of that yesterday in King's Cross and I still haven't recovered." Poppy stated in annoyance. Harry stopped once again but this time he noticed a train of spiders. "I don't like spiders." Ron told them.
"Erm, guys, I don't think it's the spiders we want to be worried about." Poppy stated as she stared at the wall in fear. "The chamber of secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir.... beware." Hermione read out.
"Well done, you can read." Poppy stated.
"It's written in blood." Hermione carried on.
"Well done, you can see." Ellie commented.
"Are you two ever serious?" Hermione glared.
"Nope." The two girls chorused matter of factly. Soon, dinner had finished and all the students made their way to the common rooms but not before looking at the writing on the wall.

"Enemies of the heir beware.." Malfoy began ominously, "You'll be next, mudblood."

Ellie and Poppy walked ahead of the team to meet Oliver.
"How're my favourite Chasers? We're gonna practice harder for longer this year, so we can dominate the other houses." Oliver said to the girls enthusiastically.
"With more training, there'll be no chance of the others winning." Poppy said.
"Especially now that you've got two kick ass Chasers." Ellie chimed in smugly. Oliver chuckled.
"I'm glad to see that you're confident," his smile soon faded as he saw a pack of green clad students strutting onto the pitch. "I don't believe it..." he growled quietly as he made his way towards them.
"I smell trouble..." Ron said.
"Clear out, Flint! I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today." He said harshly.
"Easy, Wood," Marcus grunted, "I've got a note." Oliver impatiently snatched the note from Flint's hand, reading it aloud.
"I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice on the pitch today, owing the need to train their new Seeker."
"You've got a new Seeker? Who?" Ellie asked. A very snooty looking platinum blonde boy emerged from the crowd, smirking.
"Draco?" Harry almost spat.
"That's right. And that's not all that's new this year." Draco sneered, holding out a brand new polished broomstick.
"Those are Nimbus Two-Thousand-And-Ones!" Ron exclaimed in awe.
"A generous gift from Draco's father." Flint gloated, grinning to show his disgusting teeth. By this point, Poppy's hair was flaming, and she was about to say something when Ellie quickly cut her off to avoid someone being murdered.
"Bloody hell, don't you floss, Flint?" She scoffed, making the twins chortle behind them, a flash of amusement flickering in Poppy's crimson eyes.
"That's right, Weasley. Unlike some, my father can afford the best." Draco smirked. Now, Ellie was discreetly grabbing Poppy's wrist in an attempt to calm her down. There was practically smoke coming out of her ears.
"At least nobody in Gryffindor had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Hermione said smartly, Ellie high-fiving her.
"Nobody asked for your opinion. You filthy little mudblood!" Draco hissed, Hermione's face a mixture of shock and hurt. Ellie and Poppy glanced at eachother, each placing a comforting hand on Hermione's shoulder.
"Save it for the match." Oliver said, obviously sensing things had gone too far.
"You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!" Ron bellowed, whipping out his snapped wand. "Eat slugs!" Green sparks emitted from the end of his wand, sending him shuttling backwards and hitting the floor with a sickening thud. Everyone ran over to him, Hermione crouching down to aid him.
"Ron, say something!" She exclaimed, worried. Ron wretched forward and opened his mouth, a trail of slugs sliding out and onto the grass. This made the crowd of Slytherins cackle with laughter, and that was the beginning of the end for Malfoy. Ellie and Poppy marched over to them, their hair ablaze and their eyes almost satanic.
"DRACO MALFOY! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ANYBODY LIKE THAT! ESPECIALLY OUR FRIENDS!" Poppy yelled at the top of her voice. To say she was so small, she had a lot of fire in her.
"AND ONLY EXTREMELY IGNORANT AND DOWNRIGHT STUPID PEOPLE DO THAT! SO I SUGGEST YOU CLEAR OFF, KEEP YOUR FAT GOB SHUT, OR I WILL HURT YOU IN WAYS THAT HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN INVENTED YET!" Poppy finished, breathing heavily. The Slytherins now stood petrified, faces as pale as ghosts and all of them stammering messes.
"YOU HEARD THE GIRL! PISS OFF!" Ellie screamed, and they immediately obeyed, scrambling in all directions until they were well out of sight. At the same time, both girls took a deep breath and let it out, their hair fading back to their natural states.
"Good job Pops, felt good, didn't it?" Ellie said, smirking.
"Absolutely. I haven't screamed at someone like that since-"
"Yesterday?" Ellie interrupted her, chuckling.
"Shut up! I have a lot of anger to get out!" Poppy said, laughing.
The two girls then strode off back towards the Gryffindors who looked almost as terrified as the Slytherins, shrugging off the incident as if it hadn't even happened.
"Bloody hell..." Ron remarked quietly.
"I'll see you two on the pitch." Wood said, turning to leave.
"At least we know we can rely on these girls to snap a few bones if we need it, eh Freddie?" George said, his twin agreeing with him. The girls smirked at eachother.
"Anything for you two."

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