Dueling Professor Lockhart

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Many of the second years gathered into the great hall for duelling class. They thought it was a good idea til they found out who was teaching. Professor Lockhart stepped up onto the table talking about some crap that neither of the girls nor any of the boys were listening to. That was until Professor Snape stepped onto the table and yelled "Expelliarmus!" Sending Lockhart across the room. Poppy and Ellie high fived and smiled but that joy soon faded when he got back up unharmed. They then started squabbling but soon stopped. "Mr. Weasley, Miss. Persephone, please come and give us an example."

Ellie smiled but Ron looked slightly nervous. Ellie looked beautiful and innocent but inside she was a ticking time bomb. They bowed to each other and went to opposite ends on the table. Before any one could move Ellie yelled and Ron was flying through the air much like Lockhart. After that Poppy was called up and she asked to go against the most experienced person there. Like she planned, Lockhart stepped forward and was warning her that he wouldn't go easy on her. The whole time Poppy had a deadly smile plastered onto her face. They bowed and walked to opposite ends of the table. Within the blink of an eye, Poppy yelled "Stupefy!"  Lockhart smacked into a wall and didn't get back up. It's true, Poppy had a reputation for kicking ass but this was by far the best. She even saw Snape murmuring "50 points to Gryffindor." She bowed and walked out the room to have all the boys cheer her and praise her but little did they know that this was all to familiar in the mind of Poppy Roberts.

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