Return To Diagon Alley

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They gathered round the fire place ready to use the floo network to get to Diagon Alley. Ron went first to demonstrate how it was done. When the green flames engulfed him Ellie stood wide eyed and looked pretty terrified. This had not gone unnoticed as Fred squeezed her hand and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, it's actually kinda fun." Ellie relaxed but still kept a tight grip on his hand. Poppy noticed and nudged George. When he saw he bent down and said "Two galleons say that they'll be together by the end of the year!" Poppy disagreed, Ellie was great but was definitely not mature enough to have a boyfriend. "You're on." And with that, the bet was on. Poppy knew that George was going to do what ever it takes to get the two together and Poppy was quite willing to let him do so. She knew her friend, she'd grown up with her which made them both incredibly stubborn.
"What did he say, dear?" Asked Molly
"Thought he did." Ellie's face suddenly paled and she gripped onto Fred for dear life. Poppy felt bad for her but that did not mean that she wasn't going to take the piss when they got to Hogwarts.
"I'll go next!" Poppy walked into the fire place grabbing a hand full of floo powder. "Diagon Alley." And with that she was gone. The spinning and turning was fun however when she was thrown out of the fire place and later sprawled out on the floor, well it wasn't so great. Soon after George appeared and helped her up. "Ellie coming?" She asked.
"Yep." He replied.
"She still gripping onto Fred?"
"Having a heart attack?"
"Most likely."
"Typical." Poppy just rolled her eyes and George chuckled beside her. They stood there just looked at each other for what felt like hours but was only seconds because Ellie soon came rolling out the fire place, clutching her stomach, rolling into Poppy and George making them fall on top of each other. She got up, dusted herself and impatiently blowing a strand of hair out of her eyes.
"I AM GOING TO KILL FRED WEASLEY!" Oh shit, she's angry. Her hair was beginning to turn jet black and it kinda freaked Poppy out. As if on cue, Fred stepped out of the fire place and looked to the floor where Poppy and George still lay tangled up.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" He looked somewhat proud of himself for catching them at such an awkward moment.
"Fred, unless you want two-" she was cut off by a punch to the arm, "three," she corrected herself, "people to catch you and murder you, I suggest you help us up and run as fast as you can." Fred looked slightly confused.
"What did I do now?" They didn't have time to explain as a fuming Ellie came marching their way.
"FREDRICK GIDEON WEASLEY, I AM GOING YO KILL YOU." She then started hitting him punching him and god knows what else, and all the others did was laugh.
"Guys, a little help?" Fred said desperately while shielding his face from Ellie's wrath.
"No can do mate, we're having too much fun." Fred now looked helpless and George just kept laughing. After five minutes Ron came in and Poppy got up to restrain Ellie from murdering her boyfriend to be.
"Have you guys seen Harry?"
"Yes." Poppy answered
"Well let's see, you guys bought him home early this morning and we live on the same street as him so we see him quite a lot why?" Ron just stared at Poppy while George was doing his best to not burst out laughing. "George, just laugh, you look like some ones trying to drown you in the black lake." He wasn't going to be told twice. Ellie stood there knowing that Poppy has always been a sarcastic bitch and she was never going to change. Sadly Ron learned the hard way. Mr and Mrs Weasley soon appeared with Ginny asking if we'd seen Harry. Ellie answered this time knowing what would happen if Poppy were to open her big mouth. She was some what grateful for it though.
The large group made their way to Flourish and Blotts book store which was packed full of people. "Guys, I'm gonna go and look for Harry." Poppy said.
"Okay dear, take one of the twins with you to be safe." Before anything else could be said George was pushing Poppy out of the shop. It was a kind gesture but he had the strength of a beater which kinda hurt. They soon spotted Hagrid with a very disheveled Harry. "Harry, we've been worried sick!" Poppy exclaimed.
"Speak for yourself."
"Fair enough. Let's get you back, everyone apart from us were worried sick."
"Thank you guys, you're so kind." Harry said, his words dripping with sarcasm.
"You're welcome. Now let's go." And with that Harry was being dragged by Poppy through Diagon Alley with George following behind.

When they reached the book shop, it was even more crowded than before. They then heard the name Gilderoy Lockhart - that two faced, foul mouthed pathetic excuse for a man. The girls had other, more colourful words to describe him but that was putting it mildly. When he noticed Harry, he pulled him to the front using him to get onto the front page. Pathetic. George had noticed how Poppy's hair was slowly turning red. "Let's go and wait outside." He suggested. Poppy nodded and followed when Harry caught up with them. It was all going well until an all too familiar voice stopped them in there tracks.
"Bet you loved that, didn't you Potter." Draco sneered. "Famous Harry Potter can't even walk into a bookshop without making the front page." God, he's ever so dramatic, Poppy thought to herself - the thought made her smile.
"Leave him alone." Ginny stood in front of him. Both girls admired her for her strength of mind. She is small and sweet and scary like her mother.
"Oh look Potter, you've got yourself a girlfriend."
With that a cane placed its self onto Draco's shoulder. "Now, now Draco, play nicely," he smirked when he turned to face Harry. You could see Poppy's hair and eyes getting darker with black streaks, along with Ellie's.
"Mr Potter, Lucius Malfoy," he said putting his hand out for Harry to shake, "we meet at last. Forgive me." He said pulling Harry closer to look at his scar. "your scar is legend as is of course the wizard who gave it to you." He still wore that sickening smirk and Poppy was about ready to blow. Her hair was fire and smoke, her eyes were blood and you could see her biting on her tongue making sure to not explode. "Voldemort killed my parents, he was nothing but a murderer." Harry stated. By this point, Ellie's looks were almost identical to Poppy's and both the twins were holding them back, they knew what the girls were capable of. They weren't taking any risks, especially with the Malfoys. "You must be very brave to speak his name, or very foolish." This man just kept making it worse. That was when Hermione came in. "Fear of a name only increases fear of the object itself."
Lucius studied the girl for a moment before saying "you must be Miss Granger."
"And you must be Mr-Let's-Piss-Everybody-off!" Poppy suddenly blurted out, making Ellie snigger.
"Ahh, Miss Roberts, I've heard much about you from Draco and your father for that matter, imagine what he would say if he found out you were being disrespectful."
"Oh I'm sure he'd be full of joy!" Poppy replied, her words dripping with venom and sarcasm.
"Now, now, watch your tongue, wouldn't want you to get into trouble with the only family you have left!"
"Ellie knows I'm like this so I'm cool."
"Yeah, the world needs more sarcastic cows like Poppy to put pathetic gits like you in their place." Ellie said, crossing her arms.
"Sarcastic cow?" Poppy said, sounding almost hurt.
"Oh, you know I love you." Ellie said, making them both laugh.
The man just glared at her. There was no point, he was fighting a losing battle and you could see it in his eyes. Poppy had won. Before Lucius could say any more, Mr Weasley appeared and practically saved the day. After that the family headed back to The Burrow for tea.


"Poppy, that was brilliant today. How is it you were half the size of the man and you went mental on him?" George was praising her.
"Please, you think that was confident? She can do worse than that." Ellie stated matter of factly. Poppy just nodded in agreement.
"Still it was pretty damn good." Fred commented.
The four of them were in the twins room, Poppy on George's bed, Ellie on Fred's bed and the twins were frantically running around trying to pack. From what the girls had heard, it was normal for them to be running around doing last minute packing, or in their case, packing everything at the last minute.

After about an hour of them running around like fools, laughing and joking, it was time to put the lights out and sleep, tomorrow was a very busy day!

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