How you meet

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Oliver Queen

"Tommy I love you but you are a pain." I said glaring at my brother.

"Come on you love Oliver!" He said laughing.

(So you already know Oliver but your seeing him again after not seeing him for a few years)

"I haven't seen him in forever!" I said laughing.

We drove to his house and were walking to his door. It opened to see his mother.

"Hey how are you two?" She asked smiling.

"We are well its good to see you." I said as we walked in.

Just then I saw this tall guy. I realized it was Oliver and I let out a small laugh.

"If it isn't little (Y/N)!" He said hugging me.

"Good to see you Oliver and to see that your still a child." I said laughing.

"I missed you (Y/N)." He said hugging me tighter.

"Missed you to moron." I said hugging him.

Quentin Lance

"I don't understand why I have to come with you." I said angry.

"Cause I'm meeting Laurel's dad." Oliver said happily.

"Having you already met him?" I asked while laughing.

"Come on sis please?"

"Fine let's go."

We made it to the house and Sara Lance opened the door.

"Hi Sara." I said smiling.

"Hi (Y/N) Oliver come on in." She said smiling.

We walked in and saw Mrs. Lance and her husband.

"Hello Mrs and Mr. Lance." I said smiling.

"Please call me Quentin." He said shaking my hand.

We went and set down with me being beside Sara and Quentin.

"So Oliver your gonna treat my little girl better than those other girls you were with right?" Quentin asked.

"Yes he will if he doesn't I promise I will hurt him more than you would." I said smirking.

"Sis your suppose to be on my side." Oliver whined.

"Not when it comes to you breaking someone's heart."

Quentin smiled at me and then we got back to dinner.

Slade Wilson

My brother and I have been stuck on a island for a few months and we were told to go meet someone. We made it to a old plane and walked inside of it. The next thing I know this guy has a blade against Oliver's neck.

"Please don't hurt him we will leave!" I beg.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"My name is (Y/N) Queen and that is my brother Oliver. We ship wreaked on this island and we were told to come here."

He let Oliver go and then after a while he told me his name was Slade Wilson. We started to work together and then met a woman named Shado.

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