Doctor (John)

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"Your going and thats final!" John snapped as he followed behind me.

"I'm fine it's just a stomach bug." I said annoyed.

"You have been sick for two weeks! If you don't go on your own then I will get the big guns." He said crossing his arms.

"Really what big guns?" I asked with a laugh.

He smiled before I felt a gust of wind passed by me.

"Did you serious call my brother?" I asked annoyed.

"Doctor office now!" Barry snapped with a frown.

"Fine come on Barry let's go!" I snapped with a frown.

"What about me?" John asked confused.

"You can stay home." I said glaring at him.

I made it to the doctor's office with Barry and frowned as I set on the table and had blood drawn. After it was over the doctor came inside and told me about my test results.

"Congratulations your going to be a mother." The doctor said with a smile.

"My sister is pregnant?" Barry asked shocked.

"Yep." The Doctor said giving me some papers.

I smiled as I jumped up off the table. After he said I could leave I ran home to see John on the couch. I squealed as I ran up to him and jumped into his lap.

"What is going on?" He asked confused.

"I'm pregnant!" I exclaimed as kissed him.

He kissed me back before pulling away and picking me up. He spun me around and I laugh happily before kissing him again.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you more." I said happily.

I snuggled into him as I set on his lap. After awhile I fell asleep in his arms and then the next day I woke up, in bed beside him.

"Girl or boy?" He asked softly.

"I don't know yet I jut found out I'm pregnant." I said with a smile.

"I meant do you want a boy or a girl?" He asked with a laugh.

"Oh well...... if doesn't matter as long as they are healthy and they are ours." I said pecking his lips.

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