(Slade Wilson) Kidnapped

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I woke up to see I was in a prison cell. I looked out to see Malcolm Merlyn standing outside of it smirking.

"Hello (Y/N) it's good to see you again." He said smiling.

"I can't say the same. What do you want?" I asked angry.

"I want my daughter and I want to hurt Slade. Which is why I took you."

"We aren't together anymore."

"No but he loves you and his son.... what was his name.....Joe right?"

"To you stay away from him!"

"I already have him in the room next to you. I'm leaving you here until Slade comes then I'm going to kill him." Malcolm said as he walked out of the room.

"I'll kill you Malcolm Merlyn!!!" I yelled.

After a few hours of trying to escape Oliver found me and I saw Joe beside him. Oliver let me out and I pulled Joe into a hug.

"We have to go Slade can't hold him off that long." He said as we started to run.

We made it out and Oliver went in and got Slade. I held onto Joe and then we all made it to the house where we got patched up.

"You know he begged me to let him help find you." Oliver said walking over to me.

"Well Joe was taken also." I said looking over at him.

"We didn't know that until we got there."

"What do you mean?"

"Malcom only told us he had you he didn't tell us about Joe not until we got there. So really Slade came for you makes you think that maybe he loves you." Oliver said as he got up and walked away.

I sighed and got up and started to walk over to Slade. When I got there Felicity sent me a look of encouragement and walked away.

"I see Malcom beat you up a little." I said sighing.

"You could say that. How are you?" He asked as he tried to bandage his arm.

"Let me help you." I said taking it away from Slade and cleaning his wound.

"Thank you."

"So how did you find out he had Joe?" I asked grabbing the alcohol.

"I didn't know until after we got there." He said as he watched me.

"So why come?" I asked as I started to bandage his arm.

"Because he had the woman I love."

"Shado is dead."

"I know that but (Y/N) Queen is alive." Slade said looking at me.

I stopped for a second to look at him and then I finished bandaging his wound.

"There I'm done." I said standing up to leave.

His hand shot out and gently grabbed my wrist.

"(Y/N) I only care about you not her. At first all I thought was hurting your brother, but then after I lost you all I wanted was you back. All I want is you." He begged.

"Then why when I confronted you did you call me Shado?" I asked trying not to cry.

"Because I had been seeing her having hallucinations but when I was near you she wasn't there but when you said you wanted me gone I saw her saying it not you.... because I never could imagine losing you. That's why that day you told me that you loved me.... I couldn't say it back because I knew if I did I would lose you."

"If I told you I love you..... would you say it back? Because every time I told you I love you....you would always say I know" I asked through tears.

"Without a doubt." He said seriously.

"I love you..... I always have."

He smiled and then gently kissed my lips. I could feel all the love and emotion in that one kiss.

"I know........ and I love you more (Y/N) Queen."  He said pulling away.

"So does this mean we won't try to kill each other again?" I heard from behind us.

"For now Oliver." Slade said as I started to laugh.

Joe ran and hugged both of us while Oliver smiled.

I then turned and whispered into Slade's ear, "you still owe me office sex."

"That I do love that I do." He said smirking.

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