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Chapter 7

"Daniel?" my voice came out breathy. Why is he here? Is he the one Toby was talking about?

"Hey there, love," he whispered to me. I was brought out of my shock when I heard Master calling.

"Meri? Who's at the door?" he asked when he reached the door. I instantly straightened up and put a neutral looking face on.

"You have a visitor, Master," I don't know why but I felt like Daniel got very angry the minute Master showed up.

"Ah, Daniel, what a surprise. Come in, let's go to my office so we can talk. Meri go fetch us some tea," he said as he let Daniel inside.

"Yes, Master," I said as I turned and went to the kitchen. Once the tea was done I made my way to the office when the bell rang. I was going to go get that but Master beat me to it.

"I'll get the door, just set the tea down in my office and go to your room," he demanded. I did as told. I went into the office and set the tea down. I didn't even look at Daniel. I made my way out the door when I see Master come up with someone else behind me. Master didn't look happy. I stepped aside and kept my head down as they passed me to Master's office.

I made my way to my room and laid down on my bed to wait. That's all I could do, wait.




Daniel POV

I sat there waiting for that asshole to come back. I'm sure he left to let Antonio in. I heard the door open and saw Meri come in. She came closer and sat the tray with the tea down on the desk and left. She didn't even glance at me. It's probably because that bastard will punish her if she talks to me. A minute after she left, he came in with Antonio behind him. He closed the door and sat down behind his desk.

"By the glares you boys are giving me, this must be important. What can I help you with?" he said with a smirk on his face. He knew exactly why we were here.

Antonio was the first to speak. "I came to take my sister back," he said. I could tell he was fuming inside. Of course, I am too.

There was a moment of silence, then all we could here was that bastards laughter echoing in the room. That pissed me off to no end.

We should just rip his head off and take our mate, my wolf suggested.

We can't, that would be too much paperwork to do. Plus, in some way, he would be missed. I don't feel like dealing with those annoying Elders, I explained to him. As much as that idea pleases me so, I can't do it. Those old fags will chew my ear off with their lectures about how killing humans is wrong and such.

"Oh, that's priceless. You think you can take her just like that?" he asked after his fit of laughter.

"I can and I will," said Antonio, confidence and determination seeping through every word.

"Well, prepare to have a rude awakening. Have you even seen the contract your parents signed?" he asked confidently. Little does he know that Antonio has read every single page of that contract. He has even marked all the loopholes in there.

"Yes, I have. I even have it with me right now," he said and reached into the briefcase he brought with him. He pulled out the contract and showed it to Mr.Barnes, or Robert as his first name. Robert's face faltered slightly, making us smile in victory.

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