Page 45: The PUNZZZ Page Two

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I own none of these.

My friend tried to annoy me with bird puns, toucan play at that game.

I used to b a banker, then I lost interest

What do u call a cat burgler, a catastrophe!

What do u call a majestic forest? Hollywood

What do u call a man with no arms and no legs laying at your doorstep? Matt

What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A couch potato!

What kind of shorts do clouds wear? Thunderwear!

What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear

How do you put a baby alien to sleep? You rocket

What do you call a pig that does karate? Pork chop!

What do you call an alligator in a vest? And investigator

Becoming a vegetarian is a big missed steak!

What do you call a thieving alligator? A crookodile!

Why did the banana go to the doctor? It wasn't peeling well

What do u get when u cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite

How do u organize a space party? You planet


One last one: Why is Peter Pan always flying? He Neverlands! I love this joke because it never grows old. It was a nice hook. This doesn't make sense, I'm lost, boys. Beats Smee how you didn't understand that.
--Every sentence in there had a pun, see if you can detect them!



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