Page 3: Q&A

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If you had the choice to cure all diseases, or to end world war, which would it be?
I, personally, could go either way. War is a disease; it spreads, and infects, and is hard to cure. Disease is war--you fight it, it fights back, and it lasts a long time.
If I must choose, I'd choose peace. ❤✌💗

If you could go anywhere on planet Earth, where would you go and why?
Anywhere on Earth? Easy. Wherever the war is. Not because I want to fight, but because I will. I will fight war with peace, and I will destroy war. I would die on my feet before I live on my knees. If that's what it takes to stop the hate, I'll do it in a heartbeat. That's where I would go. ✌💪
What about you, what's your choice?

If you had the choice to live forever but do nothing to positively effect the world, or die young but leave a powerful mark, which would you choose?
Living forever, wouldn't that be nice? Seeing the world change before your eyes. But, not doing anything to be part of that change. Watch it destroy itself.
I would die young. As I've said before, I'd die on my feet than live on my knees. I would leave that mark, let it sink, and then I'd go. I don't believe in a heaven or hell, I'll go back into the Earth. I will have no conscience, I'll be dead. But I would have done something, instead of saying and not acting, or bystanding. I would have made that last, most important mark I could, and that, my friends, is what I live for. That is the choice I would make. ❤🌐💀

If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
Easy, a difference. 💙🌎

Say you are rich, and you can do anything with your money but give it to charity. What do you do with it?
I've thought about this question before. If I was wealthy, but could not give my money to worthy charities, what would I do with the money? I would either make my own charity, or do what the charities do alongside them. You can always do good and help out, there is always a way. 💓💞💱👍

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