Two - Allie

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"That was my cover of 21 Guns by Green Day, it was the most requested song on my last video. I want to say thank you for nine-hundred thousand subscribers, that is quite a lot and I'm grateful that many people can put up with my inconsistencies. Anyways, let me know down in the comments if you have any suggestions for songs I should cover next, and see ya!" I did the outro to my video, saluting the camera. I pressed stop on the camera and got up, putting my guitar back on its place on my wall, where I usually hung it up and exiting the recording studio I had set up.

I edited the video, which only took half an hour. I only really needed to overlay the audio from the microphone to the actually video, and edit out the three times at the start where I had to restart due to Sophie interrupting.

My phone started buzzing, and I noticed the twitter notifications;

ThatSophieGirl: @Arlumi Wake tf up, you need to upload your fans are harassing me.

In reply to Sophie Lollians:
@Arlumi: yeah yeah sorry i don't upload twice a day and record twice as much

I always put on notifications for my friends' tweets so I could reply with sarcastic comments.

In reply to Aria:
@AllieHarris: you make her sound like someone...

I hinted at Sophie's rival, a YouTuber named Vikk, who she totally had a crush on.

In reply to Allie:
@Arlumi: it's true @Vikkstar123 is really your parallel self

I laughed at the fact that Aria actually put his @. The whole "Vophie" fandom would probably go crazy. Aria and I loved hinting at that "ship", it usually derived the fandom away from ships we were involved with. Vikk was apart of the sidemen, a group of seven fuckboys. I was usually shipped with one of the guys, Simon, who I couldn't stand.

Me and Simon used to be friends, way back when I wasn't even doing much YouTube. I helped him out with some of the videos and some fans started shipping "Sallie" or "Alimon" or whatever dumb name they came up with. There were quite a few rumours going around about the two of us dating, and a couple of overly possessive fan girls started sending hate. So, I stopped being in videos and then the two of us drifted apart. Everyone got the impression that we hated each other, which we didn't, we tolerated each other, it was just awkward, the usual vibe you'd get from ex-friends.

"Sallie" started up again around the time I reached five-hundred thousand subscribers. I wrote a song and posted it to YouTube, it was about my break up with my boyfriend, and apparently some of the lyrics related to Simon. So new rumours sparked. I mean, I really didn't mind all that much. It just got a bit annoying.

In reply to Aria:
@ThatSophieGirl: I'll be dancing on your grave if he replies.

In reply to Sophie Lollians:
@Vikkstar123: Did someone say dance party?

I laughed. Vikk actually replied. Well, no one was sleeping in the Vophie fandom anymore. R.I.P. Sophie and her mentions.

In reply to Vikk:
@AllieHarris: holy shit you actually did it  😂

"You bitch" I hear Sophie call from across the hall. I can hear Aria's laugh echo through the house. I went through my twitter mentions, a couple people were asking about Vophie, which I replied to with a couple winky-faces.

I went back to the video and pressed render. I should be able to upload it by two.

I got up from my chair and went towards the living room, having enough of being cooped up in my room. I plopped down on the couch about the same time Sophie was taking a GoPro to the bathroom. I didn't question it, she was probably planning some prank. I tried not to get involved in her and Aria's prank wars, because last time I did I ended up having to buy new strings for my guitars and bass. Then I got them back by driving them to the middle of nowhere for a supposed "Five-day away from the internet" camping trip and then left them there and made them hitch-hike back. Taught them not to mess with me.

Sure enough about half an hour later, when I was uploading the video, there was a bunch of screaming and a tweet from Sophie saying she "started something"

I replied to her;

In reply to Sophie Lollians:
@AllieHarris: as long as you don't mess with the instruments it's all good

I got a couple generic replies about today's video, which officially uploaded and a bit of hate, which was the usual. Changed my profile picture again, to a picture of me with one of my guitars that Aria took of me a couple days ago.

I kept reading through a couple generic tweets,

@ReesePieceGeez: can I please be as talented as you.

@CookiesHeyBro: what guitar did you use?

@ksixzerk123: can you please collab with @miniminter

I rolled my eyes at that last one, not meaning to, it was just a generic response I had when people asked that. I laughed at the thought, yes, I was a vlogger, but most of my content revolved around music, and so what would me and Simon even do a video about?

In reply to ksixzerk123:
@mxnxmxnter: they hate each other tho

I backed away from that before drama could unfold.

I put my phone down when Aria walked into the room, texting with an elaborate smile on her face. Probably a boyfriend or something. She kept giggling and I gave her a questioning glance, "Who you texting?"

"Friend" she replied.

"Sure" I said, sarcastically. Sophie came into the room with a bright smile on her face and sat down to watch TV. Friends re-runs were playing.

My phone buzzed yet again and I flipped it one to read the text.

@miniminter: @allieharris collab soon?

"Oh god" I sighed, not meaning to say it aloud. Sophie and Aria turned their heads to face me and I ignored them, opening twitter up.

In reply to Wedgeman Simon:
@AllieHarris: dude, buddy, bro. No.

It was rather childish to reply that way, and was probably why there were so many rumours about me hating his guts, but it was just my usual reply to it. None the less, I followed him and sent him a direct message. I needed another video for this week and both Sophie and Aria couldn't collab and I didn't want to do it alone. Plus, the Sidemen lived only a little while away. I mean some were only a floor or two away.

Allie: I am totally up for a collab btw. People seem to be asking a lot.

I got another notification,

In reply to Allie:
@ThatSophieGirl: @allieharris @miniminter #Sallie?

In reply to Sophie Lollians:
@Arlumi: #Alimon?

I was one of those people who didn't mind shipping a lot, and I did like to play along with it sometimes,

In reply to Aria:
@allieharris: Sallie. Alimon is a stupid name.

I got up and walked back to my room, going back on twitter. I ignored most of the mentions and replied to a couple to shift the questions;

@youtubegurl123: @allieharris any music projects?

In reply to 25 days
@allieharris: maybe ;)

People seemed to like it when I worked on music. I played five instruments, guitar, bass, drums, piano and I was working on the flute. A lot of the times I helped Sophie out with the background to her music. She didn't know how to play the bass, and I usually helped her with those lines. I also usually played the drums for her. I enjoyed it. I wasn't the best at singing and I couldn't write a song if I tried, so playing background was cool with me.

Being the background was a lot better, because there wasn't much focus on you, everyone paid attention to the lead singer. I was used to it. Aria and Sophie always had more subscribers and twitter followers than me, so when we went out in public everyone wanted picture with them. I was cool with it. I didn't like attention all that much.

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