I don't know why but I (Allie) am always the one who's told to write descriptions and I can not in fact write a good description. So here's a mediocre couple sentences that actually have nothing to do with the book.
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All I really need to with the girls in our shared hotel room paid for by JJ. He's been so sweet expressing his better self. Everyone must be so proud. Ok wait, I got off subject. All the girls and I did is touch up our make up. Though Sophie ended up curling her hair again while mine ended up being fly away. We were all dressed in outfits we picked up by rushing over to the flat and back.
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To be honest getting Allie anywhere near any dress was impossible, but she picked out the least revealing one we owned. Along with the least revealing shoes she owned which were actually meant to be mine and sent by a fan, but they were a few sizes too big. Anyways we all looked bomb as fuck and Sophie was vlogging tonight and didn't want to drink also Allie decided against drinking as well so I guess me and the boys were the ones getting crazy tonight.
We head downstairs and everyone is separated in ubers or the people who traveled far for this in their rented cars. I was in an uber with the girls and we make it to this dance club and when everyone arrives I'm stressed as fuck because I wasn't exactly of drinking age. Everyone is like talking and shit and then decide I should just like hold onto JJ's arm and he should flash them a shiny credit card and I'd be good. I mean it wasn't that stupid of a plan. JJ puts his arm around my waist and I have to put on a poker face of confidence and we walk right in when JJ shows the guard is special credit card. I mean it's sad, but that's how the world works. Everyone else gets in no problem and we start raging!!! I recognized this club, Cal is always here and bringing the boys here.
Things are finally unwinding with some drinks and I have a nice little vodka drink at the bar and a guy comes behind me feeling my ass. I turn around to a random guy. Not too shabby, but kinda too old for me.
"Sorry was that your butt?" He smirks at me looking me up and down. Ok with that as introduction, that was a hell no. I roll my eyes and ignore him and he backs off.
I wonder why for a moment because guys like that are normally pushy, but I get a glance at a few of my boys staring him down. I laugh a bit and Sophie joins me and we take a seat on some actually really comfortable couches.
"Hey Sophie's vlog check this." I yell and then call over a bartender and ask for three shots. They come back out giving me them on the table and I take them all down like a boss.
"Woah slow down there Aria. I don't want to have to carry your ass back to the apartment tomorrow when you're hungover." Sophie laughs.
"You take a few shot and we can make Allie drive." I giggle the alcohol starting to affect me.
"Speaking of Allie where is she?" Soph scans the crowd of people and then points to a girl who just shoved Allie. She turns off her phone camera and we both walk over there.
"Excuse me, but why did you just shove our friend like that?" Sophie starts.
"Oh look Simon's little slut friends who basically live off of whatever work they do for JJ's money." A girl in a sparkly black dress says really loud, but cups her hand to her friends acting like a whisper and wasn't looking at us.
" 'Cuse me bitch, if you want to talk shit to us, talk to my face." I fire.
"Oh shut up Aria. You still slitting your wrists over Josh?" A girl in a red dress says.
"Wow taking it somewhere now are we?" I scoff to Sophie.
"They should be taught not to fucking lay a hand on our best friend." Sophie says getting into a usual feistiness.
"Allie probably is yours and Simon's little charity work. Come on she isn't that important." The girl who shoved her laughed.
Next thing you know, I slap her across her face and her friends start coming at me and Allie throws a huge swing and socks a girl in the boob. It's a full on bitch fight between us all. Hair pulling and everything. Well it lasts for a while until the music is cut and security hops in trying to restrain us from beating their asses even more.
"Oi what the fuck went on over 'ere how did I not see this?" Harry laughs.
"Actually yeah what went down here ladies?" The men let go of us so we could talk.
"This bitch shoved my friend twice and were chatting shit so self defense." I shrugged.
"No she just slapped me out of nowhere and attacked us, you saw us on the floor didn't you?" The leader of those skets starts fake crying.
The guard looks suspicious of us, "you guys will have to come with us and we'll be calling the police."
"That's bullshit!" Allie yells.
Soon JJ comes out of nowhere and we try and yell to him.
"Hey calm down sir, you know all I had to do to get in with this underage girl was show my credit card. I could be underage for all you know and made it in this club that has such a squeaky clean reputation. Do you guys really want to get fired because of underage drinkers. Because I can assure you this girl is obviously a bit drunk and just wanted to defend her friend." JJ starts discussing stuff.
The guard takes one look at JJ and releases us and instead asks the girls to leave. Welp that fight was won.
The night continues heating up while I'm drunk dancing for Sophie's vlog, but then Josh comes out of nowhere and we're dancing together.
"I didn't know you were fun!" I yelled.
"Maybe I just seem fun because you're drunk." He laughs in response.
"I already figured the alcohol had something to do with it, you are a dad after all." I joked and we continued to, yes, have fun.
"You know I'm not drunk enough yet, want to watch me take shots?" He asks.
"Watch you? What do you think I am, a church girl? I'm downing the alcohol if you're buying." I tell him.
"You've had enough already, I don't think anymore would make your night more fun than it already is." He tries to reason with me. Yeah I'm drunk, good luck.
"I'll just buy myself a drink than." I say winking and heading back over to the bar. He obviously came with and ended up buying for me. We did two shots and it was definitely a mistake because I couldn't walk after that.