Remember When...

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Luke- You and Luke were just watching moves and he chuckled, “Hey babe remember when we were six years old and you stapled your finger to a piece of paper?” Luke bursts out in laughter hand you laughed with him, “It wasn’t as bad as when you cried because your mum packed apple juice and you wanted orange juice.” Luke laughed more, “I’m glad I shared these times with you babe.” “Me too Lukey.” You shared a sweet kiss and just remembering things from when you were little.

Ashton- You were lying in bed next to Ashton when you started laughing randomly and Ashton looked at you and smiled, “What’s funny baby?” “Remember when Michael ate your lollies and you cried and you said you were going to call the police?” Ashton laughed and you gasped for air. You held your stomach because you had a stitch. “Those were the day’s babe.”

Michael- Michael was on his laptop and chuckled as he flicked through his photos. He saw one of you and how his mum took a photo when you ride your bike into a big tree and you got a scar on your elbow. He looked at you and laughed, “Hey (Y/N) remember when you ride your bike into a tree and you got a scar on your elbow.” You laughed and he showed you the picture and you laughed even more. “Mike that’s so embarrassing.” Michael laughed and he lifted your elbow looking at your scar, “A battle scar is nothing to be ashamed of babe.”

Calum- You flicked through your school photos and you had one of Calum and he had the shits because he didn’t want to smile, he wanted to do a silly face. “Hey Cal remember when we had school photos in 4th grade and a teacher told you to smile and you got the shits and you told her to lick her husband’s nipple?” You laughed so hard you were having trouble breathing. Calum saw the photo and he blushes, “I was such a dickhead back then.” You smiled, “You were a big cutie Cal.”

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