Insanity: When something snaps

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That was all I could think of. I had just awoke from a deep slumber, my neck hurt everytime I turned to face in another direction. Almost instantly I got up and ran straight ahead with no idea of where I was going. I was in a long corridor, it was pitch black, I couldn't see anything. As I ran farther down the hallway I began to make out a faint light. It was a shiny blue and it was getting less and less bright. It seemed like ages but I made to the end. The light was so intense up close, I couldn't even keep my eyes open.

I took a step forward and felt nothing and immediately fell. There was something down there, something sinister. The light faded and I had met my fate.

I immediately shot up in bed; My heart was racing. I layed back down in bed and waited for my body to relax. That erie feeling I felt when I fell it was....I can't describe it. I just felt pure evil down there when I plummeted to the bottom of the pit but no it was more than that...I felt envy towards it. I checked my phone, it was 5:30. Still very early, I don't get ready for school until 7:00. I wanted to go back to sleep but I knew the nightmares would return. Come on don't be a wuss I thought to myself. I feel tired so I should go to sleep but I suddenly felt so much fear; I felt like never going back to sleep, but it quickly passed.

" I know you want to sleep, let me guide you. Those things you see are not real, they are just figments of your mind. No need to worry", said a disembodied voice followed by a maniacal laugh.

Then a brute force shut my eyes.

I panicked, after all it was all I could do. I tried to move but something held me down. It was so overpowering that I couldn't even move no matter how hard I tried.

"GET BACK DOWN AND CLOSE THOSE EYES!", the voice yelled. This voice was different, it was female.

""Just sleep, we're not quite done with you yet", the first voice said this time whispering.

A sudden desire to sleep engulfed me and I drifted off. I was in my house in my bed except the only difference was that my windows were gone, there was no door. There were just four walls, five if you count the ceiling. The posters I had of films, video games, tv shows were replaced with pictures. In one there was a funeral and my dad was there, he had a look of melancholy. It was raining down hard with an intense fog. I could make out some writing on a metal plate. It read:

                               Here Lies

                             Drew Castill

                           Born: 07/20/98

Died: 07/20/14(Cause of death unknown)

Insanity: A Journey into DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now