Chapter 3: Losing It

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"Drew, are you alright,"my father asked, staring at me. I noticed the face I was making and quickly changed my expression while hiding the blob. " Yeah, never been better", I said in a voice that wasn't mine. My father just stared at me, looking startled." Drew, whats with your voice?," he asked looking worried. " Nothing guess its just changing," I said as I let out a weak smile.

" Are you sure you dont wanna go back to the hospital?"

I shook my head. " I feel fine just a different VOICE," I said, the last part coming out loud. My father just ignored it and went to the drivers seat.  Something was wrong, no way his voice was changing again. Another thing is that this voice doesnt sound human. Its a deep,raspy, and high pitched voice, it would change the way it sounded. I couldnt talk like this to people, they would think im a freak or creepy. Then again thats the least of my worries at the moment.

I removed my seat belt and made my way to the car door.I pulled the handle and fell. I seemed to be free falling again in the same sinister pitch black void. Only difference was I didnt quite hit the bottom as fast as I did. There was darkness all around me,but not just your ordinary darkness; This was the kind that got me my broken leg. It felt so good having it all around you, enveloping. I felt majestic. Though a thought in my mind made its way to the surface. Something in me told me to flee the darkness and thats exactly what I tried to do. I shook and fought, but nothing worked. It must have sensed I was fighting it and I felt it literally go in me. It felt like a blast of air was being forced inside my stomach. I gasped for air, but the air avoided me.  My insides felt like they were melting, my eyes were so watery. I just burst into tears, I couldnt take the pain. My vision was blurring and within seconds I was blind. Then with a maniacal laugh, my heart stopped.

"Drew!", my father yelled. I slowly got back to reality and looked in the rear view mirror. My eyes were heavily bloodshot with tears going down my cheeks. I quickly tried to think of an excuse....

" Oh yes the doctor said... this would be a side effect of the pills he gave me.He mentioned crying and red eyes," I lied.

" Alright if you say so, you startled me. If it happens again tell me". I nodded. My stomach still burned and my chest was sore along with my bloodshot eyes. This wasnt your ordinary crazy people visions. If what I felt followed me back into reality....this has to be supernatural. I couldnt tell my dad, for sure he would take me to the doctor and I would get put under heavy medication or worse, get locked up. For now I would have to keep this to myself.  I noticed my hand was making its way towards the door handle and I quickly backed away. For once in my life I felt pure terror and I knew there was worse to come.


Well finally Drew experienced some real terror.  I dont know if I should make the parts shorter or keep them the same length, someone let me know.

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