Chapter 3/ First text

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*I want to tell that im sorry for the grammer mistakes. Hope you can understand the story.
Now lets began!

When I got in the bathroom, the girls were staring at me. It was quite disturbing. I started walking next to them. Because they were standing next to the freaking sink! I washed my hands and get out from that bathroom.
Then i saw Beth and she saw me too. Then she came next to me. Then i told everything what happend in class and bathroom.
Beth: Wow! First talk huh?
Me: I was acting strange so he might be scared  from me!
Beth: We hope he doesnt think that way! Soo... Lets change the subject! Whats your class?
Me: Music... Yours?
Beth: Same!
Me: How many minutes do we have?
Beth: 9 I think. Im gonna get some biscuits from my locker, Do you want some?
I saw Max next to the math class with Melody, Arguing! Melody was saying something to him by shouting. But Max was looking at me. Then he turned
Beth: Earth to Jess! Are you there?
I couldnt give her an answer. I was watching them!
Beth: The person you are calling is busy now, please try again later...
Me: Yeah sure!
Beth: Happy to bringing you back to earth...
She laughed, then left. I looked next to the math class, where I saw them last. Then I saw Beth coming. I recall that i forgot my Science book in class. I ran to the classroom. Beth was murmuring after me but i couldnt hear her.
I get into the class. I checked the desk. And under it. But it wasnt there. Then i turned my back to leave the class and i saw Max! He was holding my book.
Max: You left this in here so I took it. Here it is!
I grabbed the book from his hands i might pull it by accident because my hands were shaking.
Me: Thanks...
I start to run. I think he didnt heard that i thank maybe he did. Then i get out from the classroom. Then i saw Beth and i walked next to her.
Beth: Where did you go?
Me: I forgot my book in the classroom.
Max was leaving the classroom.
Beth: This doesnt explain why Max get out from the class. The Science class!
Me: He took my book after I left it. Then he saw me getting in the class, he understands why i went in so he went to class to gave my book back to me. Is it enough teacher?
I laughed...  She laughed too
Beth: Ummm... It doesnt seem you told me all but anyway... That was okay!
Nothing strange did happen after that just lessons. But it was the first day so I met a lot of people such as Max, just kidding, Bella, Courtney and Cheryl. They were nice to me.
The school was over, me and Beth started to walk down the street. Then I saw Courtney and Cheryl in the car with their mom.
Courtney: Would you like to join us girls?
Cheryl: Mom can drive you home.
Me: No thanks! We love to walk.
Beth: Thanks for asking
Cheryl: Ok! Then See Ya' at school tomorrow.
Courtney: BYE!
Then their mom drove the car. We walked about 5 minutes without talking.
Beth: Soo... Lets talk about something. Maybe the phone number?
Me: UGH! Damn it! I forgot the number at my locker.
Beth: No worries Dear! I got a photo of it.
Me: I am a bit excited about it. I want to know who it is.
Beth: Maybe its not an actual number. We should text to it to find out!
Me: Yeah! Can we sit on this bench. I am a little bit tired.
Beth: Of course, Im a bit tired too.
Then we saw Max and Harvey with their friends in their dad's car.
Me: What a coincidence!
Beth: What a luck!
Me: I think its time to go.
Beth: Yeah!
We saw Max's dad's car stoped on the road. Then the window opened. Max show up his head.
Max: Hey mysterious girl in science class and her friend! Do you want a ride?
I nudge Beth.
Beth: Umm... We would like to have a ride with you but we have to... Umm...
Me: Go to the supermarket!
Beth: Yeah! Supermarket! Thanks for asking anyway!
Me: Umm... Thanks. See you at the school.
I heard a voice like whispering it was belong to Melody!
Melody: Ugh! Why are you asking to these nerds?
Harvey: Ok dad we can go!
See ya'
Max: Bye girls!
Beth: Bye!
They were gone and we were still walking.
Me: This is the coincidence!
Beth: No! That was luck.
She turned to me and winked. Then I laughed.We were finally at home!
Beth: Im going to drop off my bag at home. I will come to your house in 5 minutes maximum!
Me: Ok I will be waiting!
We knocked the door at the same time. Our parents opened the doors at the same time and our mothers looked at each other and wave. I got in. I saw my dad laying on the couch. I jumped on him
Dad: Hey sweetie how was your first day?
Me: Fine. Nothing big. Yours?
Dad: Me and your mom enjoyed on our first day. Students were nice.
Mom shouted from the kitchen.
Mom: Talk for yourself honey! My students were a bit loud but i can handle that.
Then our door knocked. I ran and open the door. It was Beth. Who else could it be?
Beth: Hi again Jess, Hello Mr. and Mrs. Reed ! How are you?
Dad: Fine for both. How are you?
Beth: Nice thank you Sir!
I hold her arm and went to my room with her. I closed my door.
Me: Soo where is the number?
Beth: Here!
She showed the picture of the number.
Me: Ok I wrote it! It has WhatsApp. What should i write?
Beth: I think you should write "Who is this?"
Me: Good idea! So creative I am impressed.
We laugh! Then i opened WhatsApp and started typing.
Me: Who is this?
The answer came in 5 minutes...

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