Chariot Ride: Drake

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Is this the year of weird chariot costumes? It must be, because although they do correspond with our District industry, they correspond a little too well. I mean, sure we're not in actual cow costumes, but, in a sense, we're dressed as them. 

2 words; meat clothing.

Malika's wearing a dress fashioned from steaks, the icy cold blood dripping down her legs and smearing her shoulders, and I'm in a sort of bacon-rasher type jumpsuit. It's slimy and weird against skin, and I can't wait until we get to the training centre and get it off.

At least District 9 don't seem to be having a very good time either, covered in seeds and sprayed a strange kind of gold. All I can smell is raw beef as I smile at the crowds and - hopefully yet doubtfully - bring pride and honor to District 10. The anthem is blaring and I hear Lucci Flickerman's voice as he describes each District's dress sense. 

District 1; of course, in beautiful furs and silks and embroidered in diamonds. District 2; I can see them on the big screen. Chainlink suits, brandishing swords. District 3; covered with wires and dressed in grey. District 4; wrapped in fishing nets with waves and fish painted on their faces and any exposed skin. District 5; they're flickering with little tiny lightbulbs...weird, though I suppose their main industry is power, and sending volts through their bodies would most likely kill them. District 6 is interesting; covered with artificial tyre tracks and wearing metal suits, slightly like District 2 but less brutal, killing machine-y. District 7 for once are not dressed as trees, but as severed people, fake blood dribbling down their exposed stomachs, plastic axes protruding from false wounds and their hair messed up. I suppose it's so they look alarming and wild, real opponents in the arena. I don't doubt for a minute that either of them could kill me. District 8 looks fairly ordinary; patchwork, yet delicate, vulnerable and pretty. Like the Captiol residents, I realise. Then after that there's District 9, then us, then the other 2 behind us, 11 and 12, that I don't manage to get a proper look at before my chariot leaves.

After a few days of training, I'll be in the arena for real.

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