Chapter 3

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"We can't lock him up here." The chief of police eyed the two boys. "I don't know what you're playing at, but you're saying he stole some girl's purse, ran with it, and you turned his motorcycle to water?"

"I'm suddenly realizing how crazy this sounds" muttered Kyle. He glanced at the chief's badge. It read : Everett Herman. "Mr. Herman, this guy tried to steal..." 

"We have no proof whatsoever other than your crazy story, and you two don't even have any witnesses. I don't know why you're still wasting my time here." 

After being escorted out and having the door slammed in their face, Simon turned to Kyle. "So, what do we do now?"

"Oh, I have a plan" said Kyle, with a twinkle in his eye. Simon sighed.

"I hate it when you say that.


Back at the "Lab", Kyle opened a door that led to a narrow corridor. He flicked on the light switch. The lights slowly flicked on, starting with the one closest to them, and turned themselves on one after another.

"Why does every single laboratory ever have to have the creepiest lights?" Simon shuddered. He looked down the hallway and did a double take. Instead of walls, the corridor had jail cells. They were all empty, bu they were cloaked in what seemed like endless darkness. They had a menacing look to them, like they couldn't wait to trap you in and swallow you up. The air itself seemed to vibrate with some negative energy. "Christ, I hate this place," Simon said. "When can we get out?"

"When we drop Mr. Stealy Stealy in here and leave" responded Kyle.

"So we're just going to leave him here?" Simon gaped. "How are we supposed to feed him? We can't just let him starve to death in this little hellhole - which, by the way - I have no idea WHY ON EARTH you think would be a good idea..."

"He'll be fine." 


"Check this out." Kyle pulled a lever next to one of the jail cells. It opened up, revealing what looked like a row of large metallic pods. "These are cryogenic sleep chambers. We can leave him in here until we figure out what to do with him."

Simon balked. "This may be the most illegal thing I've ever seen anyone do."

"Don't worry," Kyle assured. "Everything's going to turn out just fine. With a glimmer in his eye, he turned towards the door. "Lets get him locked up in here, then... I believe you said something about getting a turn in the suit?"Simon sighed. 

"I hate it when you get that smile." He followed Kyle out the door.

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